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Mountain Lion Sighting



Just got back home this evening and could not wait to post this info. Early yesterday morning while shed hunting i was fortunate enough to spot a Mountain Lion and I was even luckier to have my vidieo camera along for the walk. I was able to capture the great animal on vidieo.
Man that sounds exciting, if you make it to the classic stop by the scorer's area with your tape. I know alot of people that would love to see it. Congrats!
I'm impressed! I'd love to see that footage. I'll be at my booth all through the classic if you make it.

Old Buck
I have been wondering when somebody would report another sighting. With the lack of summer foliage I would have thought we would have sightings left and right, but thing have been very quiet. I hope to be able to view your video as well and way to go!
I would like to see the video also, is thier anyway that we can do video clips on this site?
My hunting partner and I are sure that we saw a big cat near the Des Moines river in Polk County. He made a report to the DNR and no word back yet from them!

It was about 15 mins before dawn and I noticed what I first thought was a REALLY big coyote. It was too dark to be 100% certain that it was a mountain lion, it could have been a huge dog like a great dane, but it did not move around at all like a puppy!

Also in nearby public land by Big Creek I found what I thought was a mountain lion's print on a mound of dirt in the center of who knows where (walked about 2 hours looking for deer signe!) First thought maybe a large dog, but no claw marks at all

If only I had a flashlight with on the first day I could have determined if it was a lion or something else.

I work with a guy that swears he has seen one by Lacona i guess his brother has seen it too?????
I spoke to an gentelmen today who would like to see the footage before I do anything else with it . It was spotted in Taylor county about 3 miles north of Missouri. The cat was on a trail of a fresh set of deer tracks in the snow we had about an inch of snow fall over night,from friday to saturday.
Whitetail fantasies-- The cat is out of the bag. I also spotted a cat this past fall on my property in Taylor County. My ground is North of New Market. I haven't told to many people about the siting. The land owner to the North of me said he spotted one also. I did not tell him that I had seen one at that time. We either have several cats in the area or this particular critter is ranging a pretty good distance. I have been told that they range alot of miles. He came right underneath my bow stand this fall. You think a big buck will get your heart going. The walk back to my truck that evening was interesting to say the least. I am glad you got him or her on video. Now I can lay credence to the few I have told about my encounter. There is no mistaking that long tail. What part of Taylor county were you in?.
Hey trper,
My brother is a teacher at Lewis Central. Last year while golfing with him he told us that they had to call off recesses at the middle school due to a mountain lion being spotted in the area. I don't know if there's any truth to the story as I don't live down there so no news on the subject. Did you by chance hear any thing about this?
I heard through a local farmer that a mointain lion had been shot in Union county just Northeast of Afton. A farmer had seen it on several occasions neer his cattle feedlot. He shot it one evening and has it stored in a chest freezer. Still trying to track down the farmer and take pictures.
It just so happens one of my best friends and hunting partners is the principal of the middle school at Lewis Central. If that had actually happened I would surely know about it. I will have to double check to see if he is holding out on me or did not deem it worthy news. I don't think that's the case. I am positive that is something he would have shared with me if it is true. I will verify though when I talk to him.
I just had an old neighbor call me- stating that a horse had been killed and attributed to a mountain lion. Kill site was east of Bonaparte. I played along with him & he told me that there was also one shot by Milton & one was hit by a car around Farmington. If you believe all that- they are getting pretty thick. Where/who should be the best people to verify these reports? I haven't really heard anything from DNR.
Spoke to a DNR bioligists who is heading up the research on these cats . He tells me they have only recovered one road kill. He also tells me it is ok to shoot the cats, I however would not shoot one in Iowa unless they start to get out of control.He also informed me our footage was the first anyone has come forward with.

Two weeks ago one of my friends was ice fishing in Shimek Forest just east of Farmingtom. He said he was in the middle of the pond when two big hounds with tracking collars on came over the pond dam. After a minute of sniffing around they took off running again. About fifteen minutes later a guy came over the dam looking for his dogs. My friend told him what direction his dogs left the area and the guy told him they had been running a cougar all the way from Harmony High School. They were coyote hunting when they noticed the dogs left the section. Further investigation yelded fresh cat tracks in the snow, big cat tracks.

For what its worth.....thought I would share this story from my good friend. I wasn't going to add to this post but this is in very close to the location of yours.
Songdog ranch-- I guess there was a siting above the Lewis Central middle school by some construction workers building some homes in the area of the bluffs East of the school grounds. They did not cancel recess though. I guess they had a biology class that was going to walk up into the hills as part of a class project and made them aware of the supposed citing.
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