Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. nannyslayer


    No disrespect at all. Same with me, but when I work with this on a daily basis, and understand how glyphosate works within a plant, it is not completely false. You have to understand that there is a growing number of people wanting to take down Monsanto, because for one, they do not understand...
  2. nannyslayer

    Getting what we deserve? wildlife@dnr.iowa.gov

    332 views, 18 votes........
  3. nannyslayer

    weather for the week.?

    Never say that in June!
  4. nannyslayer


    This right here has really bothered me, and if I missed a link that you posted on this, please excuse my ignorance, and lead me to it. I'm not that great at explaining things, so I'm just going to do it in the only fashion I know how. Once the glyphosate is sprayed on the plant (many months...
  5. nannyslayer


    Here is some more reading if anyone is interested. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/collideascape/2013/04/12/why-organic-advocates-should-love-gmos/#.Ualn4fkU6So http://www.cgfi.org/2002/06/the-hidden-dangers-in-organic-food/...
  6. nannyslayer


    So what are we to do? I would love to find the answers because I would love to be A) a full time small farmer that could compete in todays market or B) a full time hunter that could compete in todays market.
  7. nannyslayer


    So increased pesticide use could mean: A) Herbicide B) Insecticide C) Fungicide D) Rodenticide Which is it? I'm sure you will say all of the above. So when I said habitat is a factor, you agree? Also the bold you have, they say where are they going to come from? You have to understand...
  8. nannyslayer


    If your referring this link to insect's not being around, your looking at 2 different things. She is talking about herbicide, I'm talking about insecticide, which you claim is killing all the insects that hatchlings eat.
  9. nannyslayer


    Smaller farms? Should 1 person that has the drive only be allowed a certain amount of acres to farm? Family farms are gone. None of the kids now days want to continue on what their family's do, so what do we do now, appoint people to do the farming? Pork price is high as heck right...
  10. nannyslayer


    Here is my take on the whole situation. People have become extremely accustomed to cheap food, which is sugar and by products, why? Because they are cheap. But everyone wants to point at GMO's, and conventional farming practices, for everything that goes wrong. If more people would pay...
  11. nannyslayer


    Just a few points to think about.
  12. nannyslayer


    That's going way way out on a limb. What insects are we deficient in that hatchlings do not have? Habitat destruction and predators do not play a substantial role in pheasant populations? Also, what insecticide is responsible for it? Where pheasant habitat is optimal, crp for example, who is...
  13. nannyslayer


    We run cattle, and run WAY below holding capacity of our farms. Diseases will still be present if we did not vaccinate. EHD ring a bell in the wild deer herd? CWD out west? Point being, animals are going to have disease's no matter what you do. Bovine are more susceptible to disease than...
  14. nannyslayer


    This topic got me off the Ipad to the computer. :grin: This is something that I personally have researched to death, and I am very pro GMO. There are many reasons for this, but I am also pro organic. I believe it should be an open market for anyone who wants to buy what they want. Now...
  15. nannyslayer

    Deer Repellents

    Dogs. Tied dogs up next to the fields on runners. No deer will be found. :grin:
  16. nannyslayer

    Hand guns

    .22 is more than capable of being a cc weapon. Believe it or not, .22 mag is rated as one of the best calibers at close range over any other caliber.
  17. nannyslayer

    Texas pigs

    Prayers to your brother. I hope he pulls through and you guys are able to spend many more years together chasing critters. That pig would look a lot better with a bulldog hanging off it's ear! :grin:
  18. nannyslayer

    Tracking Dogs on TV

    Hellickson's own a lot of ground in Union county Iowa, where there is no high fence. Not sure if they were hunting their ground or not, I've never watched the episode.
  19. nannyslayer

    some wolfs

    I've read a lot of mixed reviews on the mb's on wolf. They work great on beaver though. Not nearly the horse power of a wolf though.
  20. nannyslayer

    i think i found a democrat to vote for

    I wasn't directing anything at you Kaare, it was just a blanket statement, not pointing at anyone.
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