Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. WillBates

    Taxidermy Photos

    Height problems are pretty much erased with the full sneak which is great. I DO NOT like uprights. Semi is def as high as i would go. Idk what the hell to do lol
  2. WillBates

    Taxidermy Photos

    This is my 2nd biggest in the Mckenzie semi sneak 6900 series.
  3. WillBates

    Taxidermy Photos

    I have no idea if this is the right spot for this thread but what the hell. I just killed the biggest deer of my life a couple days ago. I picked a Joe meder offset full sneak form for now. Ive got people telling me not to go with and ive read a full sneak with a turn shows off racks the...
  4. WillBates

    Is Rut REALLY on?

    If your in SW Iowa I think we are right on the edge of it. I think around the 15th it really is going to hit overdrive.
  5. WillBates

    Backyard bucks

    oh my freakin god look at that buck!
  6. WillBates

    Short-Tine 10

    Cool deer! Judging by the bottom pic I would say that place is very thick to move through. Looks like a neat area though
  7. WillBates

    A day of FIRSTS!

    Great buck! Now you are stuck with a new obsession!
  8. WillBates

    Rainy day surprise in Cass County

    So what kind do you suggest? You guys are pulling me all over lol
  9. WillBates

    Rainy day surprise in Cass County

    Still don't have a good photo of his mass. He really is palmated like a moose antler in the middle of his beams.
  10. WillBates

    Rainy day surprise in Cass County

    G3s were 11 inches. H1 or your first mass measurement around the bases were 5 inches. A touch under 19.5 inches wide, and none of his other mass measurements are less than 4 inches actually there all over. We haven't fully taped him yet. Got to get rack back from taxi. When we rough taped...
  11. WillBates

    Regulation deciphering

    I freakin took it off bc Im sick of being ridiculed for it. I didnt do anything wrong. Lucky I just didnt remove the whole thing. Its funny you care that much. Good day
  12. WillBates

    Rainy day surprise in Cass County

    Took him to Dans Wildlife Creations in Atlantic. Went with a Joe meder offset full sneak. Might change my mind on the form. Joe meders full sneak is probably the best though. Will get more pics up soon. Took a bunch today. Girlfriends out hunting, and she took the camera with her. Maybe she kill...
  13. WillBates

    Regulation deciphering

    Thats the thing. Buddy was actually headed to check parks, he works for a conservation board, drove by and seen a bunch of deer to the south of me. He never said they running at you or headed right to ya. Just said theres a bunch of deer to my south. I can definately see the communication...
  14. WillBates

    Regulation deciphering

    I guess you can fine me lol You cant stop a text. So I what your trying to say.
  15. WillBates

    Regulation deciphering

    ya idk I got that message from somebody else. cant stop a text from coming in. The deer were over 300-400 yards away in a different section. It is what it is
  16. WillBates

    Stand selection

    U close to the atlantic or griswold area. Seen a lot of them on field edges. Killed mine yester day in a forked creek/ deep covered ditch that is basically a overgrown fencerow. Its a funnel to open fields to the north, west, east, with a giant timber to the south. I would find a fence row...
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