Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Luke Haugland

    My 07 Bow Buck (21 pt)

  2. Luke Haugland

    My Iowa 200 class shot on Nov 3rd.

    Awesome animal man...Congrats!! Gotta story about the hunt to go with the pictures?
  3. Luke Haugland

    Rattled him in Sunday morning

    WI- I run macbooks as well, the easiest way is to upload your photos to a hosting site such as http://www.photobucket.com- then copy and paste the image link to this site in a reply.
  4. Luke Haugland

    Dad finally connects on a good one!

    That is awesome! You've got something pretty special there! I wish I could get my father, and brother into bow hunting! They say they don't have enough time- pshhhh business owners and lawyers...they can keep their suits...I will keep my camo
  5. Luke Haugland


    I would do a photo by photo- but I haven't killed anything yet...DANG IT! Sounds like nannyslayer's got ya covered.
  6. Luke Haugland


    It is slick- I like it because it keeps the meat extremely clean- if I or nannyslayer put one down, I will offer a free demonstration....
  7. Luke Haugland


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I can get the inner loins out without gutting them. Takes a little practice, but it works real slick once you figure it out.</div></div> yep!
  8. Luke Haugland


    I use a fillet knife- Does anybody else not gut a deer when processing them? My uncle taught me to skin-and bone out a deer without gutting it many moons ago. It works pretty slick- You can "pop" out all the quarters in about two seconds after skinning the deer- Get the straps and there's no...
  9. Luke Haugland

    hawg on you tube

    That first one has to be some sort of record. That was unreal.
  10. Luke Haugland

    Strange Buck

    Awesome deer! I shot one like that a few years back. Wasn't that long- but when I caped him out, the second tine was growing out of the skull separate from the main beams.
  11. Luke Haugland


    I am just curious as to how many people use a STS - or similar system- And what are your opinions/experiences with them- Thanks so Much!
  12. Luke Haugland

    20+ point shot in SW Iowa?

    Awesome animal! Can't wait to see some bigger photos! Story to go with? And welcome to Iowawhitetail!
  13. Luke Haugland

    best hang on stand?

    I am with muddy- I used to be a stand junky- I had them all, now, all I have is lone-wolf.
  14. Luke Haugland

    Hello All

  15. Luke Haugland


    Lord, all that is coming to my mind right now is mumble jumble googity jargon. That is an amazing animal! Congrats!
  16. Luke Haugland


    How true. I am not happy with the hawks this year. I sold my student ticket for today's home game. I'll watch it on tv with a frosty fat tire...
  17. Luke Haugland

    Grunt / growl???

    I have both, I have had great success with the primos, I don't even know where my m.a.d call is at...
  18. Luke Haugland

    Pressures on!

    Pat- I had a similar situation to yours. I found out that I needed to have spine surgery on my L4, four months before I was getting married. I was on high pain meds during that time. I would recommend staying off them as much as you can endure. I don't even remember my wedding day. I...
  19. Luke Haugland

    smoke as cover scent?

    I could be wrong on this but, I am pretty sure. There was an article a few years back in one of the hunting magazines. The guy was called the "deer toucher" he had literally touched some 62 deer or some crazy number like that. I believe he was native american, and that he used smoke as his...
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