Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. H

    Deer Reacting to Cell Cams

    Even with this it isn't apples to apples since the cell phone is 10-30 feet up in a tree versus a trail camera at ground level IMO
  2. H

    Deer Reacting to Cell Cams

    Wow that's crazy! I'm more of a regular tree stand type of guy. Didn't even know blinds had that option, but it doesn't surprise me.
  3. H

    Deer Reacting to Cell Cams

    Except I don't know a Redneck blind that has a power source or omits radiofrequencies.
  4. H

    Water hole question!

    How many gallons did it take to fill that up?
  5. H

    Deer Reacting to Cell Cams

    This! Just because you get some big bucks on camera doesn't mean other mature bucks aren't avoiding them. IMO that's why you hear so often about shooting a nice buck that was never seen on camera. I have them give the camera the stink eye before. I have had less problems with Browning. Haven't...
  6. H

    Rubbing & Scrape Post

    Was at the lake yesterday and noticed how soft young cottonwood can be. Made me think it would work as a post if you can't get willow, basswood, pine, or cedar. Anyone ever try that? Edited to add meaning as an early easy to beat up tree primarily. And also wanted to add they will probably be...
  7. H


    Will you post pics when it's convenient?
  8. H


    I had really good luck the last time I did it so hoping for the same but now some of you are making me rethink it. Problem is I was going to plant it this year but I have a crazy schedule that often gets worse when it gets nice. That's why mine didn't get planted this year :) Iowabowhunter...
  9. H


    I had planned on planting this summer but ran out of time so am going to frost seed in March. I'm hoping to have most of the weeds killed with a second spray next month. I will say I planted just a small row for privacy 3 years ago and didn't see that much come up( different variety) but after...
  10. H

    Free chestnut, persimmon, hybrid oak, pear, etc.

    I would be happy to pick up a few if the offer is still good. I work in Newton on Tuesdays so could swing your way while heading to Southern Iowa
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    Sorry if this has been posted recently but been too busy to read much. Is it too early to plant Clover and Winter Rye Sunday? I don't get a lot of free days but also don't want to mistime it.
  12. H

    Buck nubs starting - left some cams out…

    Our mild winter led to the healthiest deer I can ever recall seeing on our land.
  13. H

    Avoiding and Removing Ticks

    Is this information still accurate or are there better ways now?
  14. H

    Speeding ticket by camera?

    I know people who have refused to pay and they couldn't really make them. It's been several years now. I think they are garbage. Cedar Rapids has a couple. Davenport has a few. My radar detector warns me of all of them.
  15. H

    FOREST RESERVE - why repealing the law is devastating!

    Dems have been missing the mark on a lot of things also so not sure why you felt it necessary to add that to your post. They all suck as far as I'm concerned.
  16. H

    Neck Injury

    That's too bad. I wonder if he died due to starvation or some secondary reason due to the injury because he probably would've had signs of infection on those photos in December? What a bummer.
  17. H

    Shed hunting wrap…

    Wow the one on the left sure looks to have a lot of mass. You can only really see it's pedicle.
  18. H

    Neck Injury

    Yep it looks like it has already sealing so infection is unlikely barring another exposure.
  19. H

    Coyote dogs and Private Land Deer Hunting.

    Wouldn't the hunter have a case for a lawsuit against the dog owners? We had a problem with 3 or 4 house dogs running deer almost every day. 2 seasons ago two of them came down a trail, saw me in the tree stand and just stood there barking at me. I tried changing to one of my old arrows to...
  20. H

    2 PIGS in ONE PIC- Rub post - Chase is on!!!!!

    I'm not gonna lie but there have been times I've wished hogs would get thick in Southern Iowa. Would be fun hunting, and ease the pain of losing so much access over the years. I understand why those that have farms or good hunting access don't want them around.
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