Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. NWBuck


    A couple of years ago I bought a sprayer with a 65 gallon tank that is built specifically to fit in the back of a ranger. The booms covered 13 feet, which I soon figured out was a bit problematic. Our planter is set for 30 inch rows, and with wheel extensions the ranger nicely straddles 2...
  2. NWBuck

    Thoughts on arming teachers?

    I don't disagree that there are plenty of classroom teachers who would fall into the "liberal" category. That's probably more true in Omaha than in rural northwest Iowa, but they are here as well. What I don't believe is that there are a whole bunch of them out there pushing a political agenda...
  3. NWBuck

    Rescued a gal having a bad day

    Good looking 5 strand fence. Great for cattle, tough on deer. Nice job of getting her loose and giving her a chance!! NWBuck
  4. NWBuck

    Thoughts on arming teachers?

    Sorry Wapsi...I did not mean to hijack your original thread, which I truly believe is a great topic of discussion. Muddy mentioned how his kids froze up during an active shooter training. We had a similar training at our school, and I watched veteran teachers do the same thing in a simulation...
  5. NWBuck

    Thoughts on arming teachers?

    Well, if you're asking me what should be in an AP Calculus curriculum, I think I'm qualified to provide input. If it is the social studies curriculum, I am not. What happens in a typical classroom is very much controlled by the individual teacher. Yes, there are liberal teachers out...
  6. NWBuck

    Thoughts on arming teachers?

    Being a teacher myself, I've been advocating the position of selected teachers carrying for some time now. Obviously, the best option would be an armed law enforcement officer stationed in every building nationwide. Depending on the size of the facility, perhaps 2 or 3. I much prefer this...
  7. NWBuck

    2018 Turkey Contest - sign up

    NWBuck and NWHunter are in...team "jakeslayers".
  8. NWBuck


    I was going to do about an acre of Alice White this weekend, but the plot sits predominantly on the north side of a timbered ridge, and when I drove down yesterday to check snow cover found the entire plot still has 6-8 inches of snow. I don't mind a little snow cover when I frost seed but I'd...
  9. NWBuck

    Double Bull deluxe blinds at Scheels

    I sat in a Primos surround view 270 at Scheels the other day, and it is the most spectacular ground blind I've ever been in. See through walls virtually eliminate blind spots, but looks like a normal blind from the outside. Blacked out vertical windows when closed (we've started painting some...
  10. NWBuck

    What would you do?

    Bigger would definitely be better, but you'd also have a chance with turnips. If you hit a rain after seeding they typically outgrow browse pressure pretty quickly. A good turnip plot is tough to beat for youth season. Good luck! NWBuck
  11. NWBuck

    Welter seed brassica mix

    Nice finds! I planted the mix this year too, and was not a big fan. Still had deer use it, but not nearly as much as with straight PTT. Going back to that next year.
  12. NWBuck

    The Big 8

    Congrats...that's a terrific buck! Been in the same boat...a few years back our son Hunter shot a dandy buck with his ML during youth season. We watched him run, stop and a trickle of blood coming out maybe just a skiff low of a perfect shot. We followed an extremely skimpy blood trail as far...
  13. NWBuck

    Muck or Lacrosse or ??

    I like mucks...alot! They are the only rubber boots I've ever owned that didn't have a hole torn in them within the first year. However, two potential negatives I see would be 1) If you have arch problems in your feet, you'd probably want something with a little more support in that area. And...
  14. NWBuck

    The "Big 9" STORY ADDED

    Entertaining story for sure...congrats on a brute!! NWBuck
  15. NWBuck

    My “#1 buck” goes down- last minute “Chad”

    Congrats on a great season...and the cow story is hilarious :)
  16. NWBuck

    Vote for Aaron's Deer

    He got my vote! Man...there are some really bad photos in that group :( NWBuck
  17. NWBuck

    New Years Surprise

    Tremendous deer...he'll make a gorgeous mount. Congrats!! NWBuck
  18. NWBuck

    Hunter's 12

    Ha ha...that was his cousin, and no...no such repeat this year :)
  19. NWBuck

    The "Big 9" STORY ADDED

    One helluva a deer Matt...big time congrats!! You've had a great year for sure. NWBuck
  20. NWBuck


    Cool story...congrats to your Dad!! NWBuck
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