Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. OneCam

    Looking back

    November 10th is a special day in the deer woods - over 25 years ago I harvested my very first deer a 120" 10pt with my old sightless Darton bow on this day. Here I sit with my 11 yo son - awaiting sunrise in anticipation of his first deer with a bow. (On a side note lick creek blinds are...
  2. OneCam


    2 y/o looking at his body ... 4 or more looking at his facial features. :way:
  3. OneCam

    Archery Seminar at Bass Pro

    3pm this Saturday at the Altoona Bass Pro Shop former US archery team member and host of Nock On TV, John Dudley, will be giving a very informative seminar on perfecting your shooting form! Come take advantage of a great opportunity to improve your hunting season success. Sent from my iPhone...
  4. OneCam

    Off season training

    Good work Matt. Gotta love a tough mudder weekend! We had a 9:20 start time on Saturday... surprised we didn't run into you. Sent from my iPhone using IW
  5. OneCam

    Composting toilet/septic system

    Posting for a friend - if your interested or have questions call Tim @ 515 202-1557 ... For that hunting home away from home. If you have a piece of hunting ground, and want to build an in expensive cabin, your in for some major expense to put in a septic system, where as we have a...
  6. OneCam

    Lane Smoked Him a fatty!!!

    Huge bird - congrats to all! Sent from my iPhone using IW
  7. OneCam

    Introducing two new IW forums

    April Fools …of course. I have no problems with those that lease land, I have friends that do it and I may do it myself some day. Right or wrong - what is concerning is the overall upswing of leasing in Iowa in the recent years and the impact to hunters as a whole. I hope everyone...
  8. OneCam

    Welcome - Iowa Regulation Reform

    This forum will be used to discuss legislative reform to insure all groups hunters have equal hunting rights in Iowa. Scientific evidence has recently been introduced insuring there will be no long term negative impacts to hunting quality and land accessibility. Friends of Iowa let your...
  9. OneCam

    New Forum

    Land Leasing forum – This forum will be used to help transform thousands of acres of Iowa hunting land into leasable ground that will go to the highest bidder. We can also discuss and promote Iowa based Outfitters within this forum. Gone are the days of knocking on doors, building...
  10. OneCam

    Introducing two new IW forums

    Introducing two new forums … We want to promote two new forums that have subject matter near and dear to many on this site. #1 – Land Leasing forum – This forum will be used to help transform thousands of acres of Iowa hunting land into leasable ground that will go to the highest bidder...
  11. OneCam

    IBA Poll

    YES - Let me reiterate - We/IW are and always have been a major supporter of the IBA!!! Sent from my iPhone using IW
  12. OneCam

    IBA Poll

    Which way did you vote Blake?? Sent from my iPhone using IW
  13. OneCam

    Sportsmen of Iowa ...

    To the top
  14. OneCam

    Iowa Outfitter

    Bubba - thanks again for asking yet there are no advertising opportunities at this time for outfitters. Hoosierhunter - There is so much history on the site with the members ... Don't read to much into a single post. Sent from my iPhone using IW
  15. OneCam

    Iowa Outfitter

    Sorry but No Sent from my iPhone using IW
  16. OneCam

    2013 Minnesota Deer Classic

    Sent from my iPhone using IW
  17. OneCam

    2013 Minnesota Deer Classic

    Just so happened I was in the twin cities this weekend for a regional swim meet for my son Carson ... Thought I should check out the other classic while I was here :grin: Overall it was much much smaller show across the board yet there were a few great deer killed by our neighbors to the North...
  18. OneCam

    2013 Iowa Deer Classic Photos

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