Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Buck of a lifetime

    Buck of dreams, Congrats!
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    Had a similar, well kinda, situation New Year's Eve..got invited to hunt a farm late muzzleloader. Only once before had I got invited in 10 years or so, just because landowners family hunts etc, and what do ya know, his #1 hit lister was the first deer seen on the end of the farm that I was...
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    Mature or not?

    4.5 with this time of year swell
  4. E

    Buck down!

    Awesome deer and story drew!
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    sd card reader

    Just bought a stealth brand sd card reader from Wal-Mart in the sporting goods section, that connects to an iPad or iPhone. For 19$ and some change. Download their app which is free and I was reviewing pics with It a few minutes after purchase. Worked well for me on the old iPad!
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    Merry Christmas to me!

    Looks like an old mature warrior! Congrats!
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    More blinds

    Been thinking the same thing. But I think I'm going to try and build one on an old lawnmower trailer so it can be moved with a vehicle or tractor.
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    Kills up 4,000 from last year.

    I've seen way less then previous years..interesting to find out like stated above, success rate vs number sold.
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    What to do??

    Can always stay of Facebook and the radio, and tape the game..can't say that for 4th and long in the deer stand!
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    Women's Bow recommendations

    My gf has a bowtech heartbreaker? I think and really likes it.
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    Slow rut

    Do you have cameras out? If so what are they saying? I have a couple mature deer on a 320 acre piece that I hunt with heavy pressure from all around and on the same farm(it's private but everyone hunts there like a public land piece). And I catch them on cameras at night, some during the day but...
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    Wind Direction -- More important for approach or on stand?

    Just me thinking, I would say better wind for your sit, because I can change my route to some extent to and from the stand.
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    It's always a good day when...

    Looks like you got a nice shot on that rascal
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    Jd 60

    I don't know of any but check out Tractorhouse.com. Usually quite a bit of equipment on that site.
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    Dbltree's Stone

    Anyone have a pic of Paul? Probably have talked to him at the classic before. I know I've stopped at his booth but like everywhere there, filled with good people!
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    Saturday Morning Success

    Got beat to the punch on the non-typical spur comment!
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    Range finder and release recommendations

    Nikon archer max and tru Fire for me!
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    If this thing was a .17 Id be on it
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    Sad News Erv Wagner Passed Away

    I can remember when I was a little wee man it was by struthers bros. and I always wanted to go to both !
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    WTB German Pup

    Paul Phipps of new Virginia still breeding decent gsps?
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