Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Huntinguy

    Here's My Solution to the Problems Raccoons Cause

    Seafood cat food n a jar of cherries worked awesome for us. I hope someone tells a definite start date of this in Iowa.
  2. Huntinguy

    Bow blinds

    Hey guys got a Redneck. Awesome blind was hoping not to spend that much. Also have the old maverick blinds. Definitely work but was hoping to upgrade some. I was hoping to get a metal stand n blind for bow hunting out of for like $2500 ish. Let me know what's out there.thanks in advance
  3. Huntinguy

    Various Hunting Blinds for Sale

    I'm interested in knowing more information. Location ? Age of the blinds? Also how are they shooting a bow out of? 712-540-3946
  4. Huntinguy

    I'd be interested in more info on those blinds. Location? How old? How are they for shooting...

    I'd be interested in more info on those blinds. Location? How old? How are they for shooting through windows with a bow?
  5. Huntinguy

    Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

    I agree totally biggest thing is a fair vote and election. I think Trump would be a great president again if he can stay off Instagram. The biggest problem with Trump is he has pissed off so many people I think he needs to endorse someone and be done. I like DeSantis a lot with the way he has...
  6. Huntinguy

    DNR Meeting Experience - Upcoming Bills!

    Where can we find these legislation meetings?
  7. Huntinguy

    1 Buck state In iowa??

    I'm a land owner as well and could buy 3 tags. I personally usually only buy 2 any sex tags. Most years I don't fill a single buck tag and shoot a doe or 2( to picky). My point being I don't think the amount of buck tags needs to change but if it did would need to be for any season which will...
  8. Huntinguy

    Miscanthus x Gianteus

    If we stay in the drought what's the chances of the rhizomes living? Want to plant some as well but scared with the weather we have been in the past yrs?
  9. Huntinguy

    Hydraulic top link

    I've heard from a guy that moves dirt with his jd 4066r that you are able to put more pressure than the plate that is on the tractor that the top link pin goes through can handle n snap the mount. Just what I've heard
  10. Huntinguy

    Let’s Eat! (The Ishi legacy thread)

    Ishi what store do u live by? I tried looking online and no 40lb bags all were 20lbs and $19.99 a bag. Maybe sale is over?
  11. Huntinguy

    Time change

    100% agree needs to go bye bye
  12. Huntinguy

    Advice on cash rent lease language….

    I would put in that no bailing of residue as well. Also if you want cover crops planted. Maybe also add if you don't want it to be cut for silage. Just a couple things I add
  13. Huntinguy

    Has iowa got BETTER or WORSE in last 10 years?

    It won't get any better either with these new weapon seasons. I'm sry the 450 and all the other new weapons need to go. Go back to old ways stop changing iowa regulations!
  14. Huntinguy

    Where are all the WORKERS?

    I call BS because everywhere you look there is help wanted signs. Businesses closing because of lack of help. It's all lies about that unemployment rate!
  15. Huntinguy

    Listing a farm for sale.

    Where's your ground?
  16. Huntinguy

    CRP Management

    Will remedy work on small cedars? It's not on the label but was wondering if anyone has tried or knows of another chemical that works?
  17. Huntinguy

    Hunters & Conservation….

    I have relation that farms and is democrat. You just can't fix stupid lol!
  18. Huntinguy

    Backpack Sprayers

    I've used solos a lot to for my business but I'll second field kings. Very nice sprayer n doesn't leak besides a little now n then when shaking it up
  19. Huntinguy

    Real wet here

    In nw iowa. Lot of farmers I know got majority or all corn in. Some even got some beans in too. We will take the rain bc we are stupid dry here.
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