Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. baggin_bucks

    I'm Bored... River Otter

    Good Job, it looks great.
  2. baggin_bucks

    any lawyers in the house?

    Dang Rudd, I figured that was done and over with already? Need anything let me know.
  3. baggin_bucks

    Where's the Beef?

    I voted for elk, it is real close to whitetail though. I've never had bear or moose but am suprised at the above comments as I've always heard the opposite as far as the moose and bear goes. Hopefully I have the chance someday to give both a try.
  4. baggin_bucks

    European Mount?

    My buddies dad usually does mine for me. He said he gets hair bleach from a salon. I think it's some sort of paste. They come out very white. Good Luck.
  5. baggin_bucks

    My wife's fault

    LOL! The least you could do is bring me a fresh pie.
  6. baggin_bucks

    My wife's fault

    Looks Good! I bought five apple trees from Wally World about four years ago to plant near one of my treestands. Caged them in, mulched them and they took off real well. I had someone undo the caging dig one up and steal it, yes they stole an apple tree and a beaver made it's way through...
  7. baggin_bucks

    MN Bear Lottery

    Good luck all, it's on my to do list someday.
  8. baggin_bucks

    Youngmoose update (HE'S HOME)

    Re: Youngmoose update That's great news Perry! Glad to hear things went well.
  9. baggin_bucks

    Trent (6 yrs) Tuffs it Out!

    Awesome, Great Job
  10. baggin_bucks

    LP prices.....Ouch!!

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> They work great, but you need to have an available wood source close by, especially when it costs 3.60 a gallon to haul. Up front costs are also an issue. To get into one that can handle a 1500 square...
  11. baggin_bucks

    Weapon of choice...

    1. Bow 2. Muzzleloader
  12. baggin_bucks

    Poison Ivy Prevention/Treatment

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I mowed over a bunch of small PI a couple of years ago, on the rider, and the clippings landed on me and caused me to to break out like I had the measles. I had little splotches where ever I had exposed...
  13. baggin_bucks

    Early Summer Trail Cam Tatics...

    Make sure and knock down ALL the tall grass in view of the cam so you don't get pictures of the grass blowing back and forth.
  14. baggin_bucks

    This will make you sick!

    Amazing. Don't know what else to say except I feel for that little boy.
  15. baggin_bucks

    Outdoor Wood Burner

    With 1500 sq ft. I'm not sure, you may be able to get by with the smaller 3300 model, not sure what they run. Guestimate $4000
  16. baggin_bucks

    Poison Ivy Prevention/Treatment

    I'll have to check into the shots. I second the Tecnu, it's also worked well for me.
  17. baggin_bucks

    Outdoor Wood Burner

    Everyone that I talked with said that the ash removal without the auger is no biggie so I didn't spend the extra money. Adding the auger gets you the grate underneath which probably gives you a little more burn but, with the front mounted fan I'm not to concerned about getting air from...
  18. baggin_bucks

    Poison Ivy Prevention/Treatment

    I haven't had it yet this year but will at some point I'm sure. I use Ivarest. They make a soap type product that you use in the shower and then a cream product. They seem to do the best for me. Man, I hate that crap. What are the shots that you guys are talking about?
  19. baggin_bucks

    Outdoor Wood Burner

    Joey, I have the stove bought just haven't had it installed yet. I've been waiting for the weather to straighten out so I can pour a concrete pad for it to sit on. Been busy cutting wood, I'm trying to get two seasons worth cut so next years will be good and dry as well. Good luck!
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