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I'm Bored... River Otter


PMA Member
I know this is extrememly late, But,..I figured I would just post a couple pics of a unique opportunity I had to mount a river otter this winter that my uncle caught while trapping in the fall... It was my first time mounting an otter and it was a pain in the ARSE!!! But, I think it came out pretty good..


looks pretty dang nice Billy!

i wanna pet him

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i wanna pet him </div></div>

Now that sounds like a practical joke waiting to happen... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

Nice work on the mount! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
looks great

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've considered coming out of retirement just to trap one for a mount. </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> i wanna pet him</div></div>

Truth be told Thomas, I actually have petted that exact otter when Joanna and I picked up her turkey mount from Bill. He's real soft like a kitten. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
Pain to mount?

I would think they would be reasonably easy. Other than the hiding the stitchs, and the shape?

Mount looks great.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Pain to mount? </div></div>

Yea.. it was a pain because this form only comes like in one size, but it's the one my uncle wanted, so I had to modify it around the chest area with a sawsall to trim the form down a bunch.. and when it was shipped to me, they put the form in a box with a big wooden oak base and it broke both front feet off, so i had to re-attach them, and the tail was the worst cuz i bought a flex tail, but it didn't even come close to fitting right, so I had to modify all of that too... otters would be easy, granted, everything fits right the first time... I had all my measurements, but unlike shoulder forms for deer, there just isn't a wide variety of sizes to choose from with an otter.

I guess, come to think of it, my memory sucks.. cuz i mounted it last fall, not in the winter.. cuz it was Seth's girlfriends turkey base that broke it..hehe.. so i guess it was two falls ago when my unlce caught it.. he actually caught it by accident in the Iowa River in a foothold pocket set for coon.. luckily, the quota on otter wasn't full yet. I didn't even realize we had River Otter around like that.

Thanks for all the compliments :).. And, yes, it was VERY soft... like silk.
So your the one that mounted that turkey with the morels by it?

Another question? Did you look for different brand forms, or was that the only one that was in that shape. And is it common to have to reshape mounts simialer to that.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So your the one that mounted that turkey with the morels by it? </div></div>

Yea.. I usually always put morels around the turkeys along with some leaves, moss, sticks, a shotgun shell or small shed antler.. Did u see one of my other pics of the turkey? Or did you see the turkey I did for Seth's girlfriend?

As far as the different brand of forms.. i went through every catalog i had which is like 8 different companies and McKenzie had the most different otter forms that I could find.. The one that I did was the only one real appealing to him.. so I said I could make it work.. i knew i would have to do some modifications, but not that many.. at least it all worked in the end.. it's kindof fun dinking around with that stuff anyway just to see what you can do..
oh.. bowhuntr311... I forgot to answer your ? about if it is common to have to reshape mounts similar to that.. In my case, I didn't really have much to choose from because there must not be a real big demand for otter forms so on rare species when you want to be creative rather than just use an average joe form.. you have to make modifications.. some people will swap out heads on deer forms.. One kid i went to school with wanted to mount a bobcat laying down in a big moose shed antler.. the original form of the bobcat was a flat surface on the underside of the form, so, he had to make a bunch of cuts along the length of the bobcat and actually bend the bobcat to fit along the slope of the antler and then fill the cuts in with extra foam.. it came out pretty cool in the end.
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