Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. stickbow98


    Yeah, and they also stated ANYONE could 've pulled off that rooftop to rooftop heart shot...funny, because I doubt you could just hand any bow to a non-shooter and expect them to hit the BUILDING, let alone make that shot!! What ever happened to INVESTIGATING your storyline before you film a...
  2. stickbow98

    Off topic: #1 song on the day you were born?

    "Dream Lover"-Bobby Darrin (UK) "Lonely Boy"-Paul Anka (USA) Guess I shoulda been born a bloody Brit!!!
  3. stickbow98

    broad heads for long bow?

    Snuffers or Wensel Woodsmans, are both good choices for turkeys. However, with your light draw weight I wouldn't go too heavy in broadhead weight...the 125 grain heads will fly great and still do plenty of damage on a bird. I also recommend the use of a string tracker. Remember, if you don't...
  4. stickbow98

    Back to the basics...

    Check out www.tradgang.com Great bunch of folks, and you can ask any question about ANYTHING traditional archery related anytime! All the info you'll ever need and more there. Not to mention a good spot to buy/sell bows and all other types of equipment!
  5. stickbow98

    Turkey Hunting Guns

    Although I primarily do all my turkey hunting with archery gear, I do have a sweet set-up on hand for friends and family, (or clients) to use when the need arises to really reach out an touch 'em! Benelli SBE Steadi-Grip 3 1/2" 12 ga., w/ Aimpoint red dot sight. Loaded with 3 1/2" Winchester...
  6. stickbow98

    Traditional? NO??

    Visit: http://tradgang.com Pull up a log and chat with a great bunch of people...ask anything you'd like and know you'll be in for a blast! It will definetly put the fun back into your bow shooting!
  7. stickbow98

    Nonresident deer rule for 2006

    Some random thoughts here from a NR... If harvesting does is really the goal here, then why isn't a "earn-a-buck" program being considered for Residents (shooting a doe 1st, checking it in and then being issued your buck tags) who btw, have the entire season to hunt, rather than a $100.00...
  8. stickbow98

    What kind of Binoculars do you take to the stand

    Re: What kind of Binoculars do you take to the st Leica 8x32's...you buy the best only once! After 30 years experience I can promise you that's one of the best lessons you'll ever learn, Learn it early and you'll actually SAVE money.
  9. stickbow98

    Rivers west Clothing

    Nope, I'm not the "guru" on this one (if there is one I am the one of!) but funny I read this tonite....I just bought a pair of the Trail pants YESTERDAY!!) Didn't have my "little" 3XL size in the Parka so I'll have to order one if I decide to, but the pants look like they will be awesome...
  10. stickbow98

    LW Climber & Foot Rest

    Hey Ryan, I "RESEMBLE" that remark!! You can bet I'll have one of them too, it'll make a great stand nearly perfect!
  11. stickbow98

    LW Climber & Foot Rest

    I have to agree with you about the narrowness of the seat frame, and I spoke to Andre about this at a recent show. You've got a stand rated for #350 lbs, yet I don't know too many guys that big with that narrow of a a$$!! I'm a big boy myself (300+) and I'm o.k. with it in the early season...
  12. stickbow98

    Cold gear

    I've had a pair of these for MANY years....they are awesome! When I'm not in my Heater Body Suit, my hands are in a pair of polypro glove liners and stuck into these and they NEVER get cold!
  13. stickbow98

    Muzzleloader recommendations?

    Gotta agree with ya Shovel...but it IS alot easier to clean a muzzleloader when you don't have to completely break it down, or remove an extractor, or disassemble a bolt, etc. THAT is why the Omega got my vote as being the easiest to clean...same amount of actual "fouling removal" involved, just...
  14. stickbow98

    Muzzleloader recommendations?

    I currently own a variety of in-lines from a Remington 700ML, Knight Disc Elite, T/C Encore, and a T/C Omega. IMHO, while the Encore is definetly the most versatile, the Omega wins hands down for overall performance and ease of cleaning.
  15. stickbow98

    Heater Body Suit?

    Cornfed did a good job of answering some of the questions about the heater Body Suit, but here's my take on it..The Heater Body Suit weighs only six pounds and rolls up into a compact bundle which you can carry using the built-in backpack straps, or in a seperate backpack like I do. (The...
  16. stickbow98

    Heater Body Suit?

    Yeah, they work! Can be a little difficult putting on in the dark 20 feet up in a treestand, but the benefits of dressing light and not building up any perspiration walking into your stand are immense, and you WILL be warm once you zip-up in it.
  17. stickbow98

    Lets See Some Deer Mounts

    A couple of my Iowa late-season trophies... January 2000 Muzzleloader Buck (I rattled in this Ol' Fighter) New Year's Day 2004 Both bucks mounted by Curt Cabrera....Friend, Hunting buddy and World Champion Taxidermist from Marlboro, NY
  18. stickbow98

    Rainwear question

    I've used Cabela's MTO5O (since 1997 I believe- on my 2nd set now) from NY to Colorado and a whole helluva lot in between and it's great stuff. However, I'm hearing even BETTER reviews about Rivers West products: http://www.riverswest.com/hifi.html This stuff is supposed to be practically...
  19. stickbow98

    Kisky's Join North American Whitetail TV

    Personally, I hate the fact Pat is being "replaced" at all, but since that decision is out of my hands....I welcome Don and Kandi! You won't find too many others out there more knowledgable and willing to SHARE that info, OR more respected and well-liked than them. NAW made a fine choice in...
  20. stickbow98

    Kisky's Join North American Whitetail TV

    Don & Kandi Kisky will joining the cast of NAW TV as co-hosts with Greg Miller & Stan Potts this coming season. You can read more here: http://www.kisky.com/NEWS/news.aspx
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