Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. iowabruce

    new to area

    Welcome to the site, you should find plenty of info ( mostly good ) . There are plenty of members from the Des Moines area.......good luck!
  2. iowabruce

    My 235" Trail Cam Deer

    Good buck for sure!
  3. iowabruce

    My 235" Trail Cam Deer

    Don't keep it a secret any longer, lets see a picture!
  4. iowabruce

    Mountain lions

    Interesting for sure, I would have no problem shooting a single mountain lion......don't know if I could wack the whole bunch or not........I guess the rancher had no such thoughts.
  5. iowabruce

    LEUPOLD Ultimate Slam Muzzleloader Scope

    I have one and really do like it, but don't use the ballistics like they suggest. You have to leave the power on one setting for the yardages to work. I like to use lower power alot and don't worry about which dot I'm on. I will say that sighting in my rifle the scope was right on at 50, 100...
  6. iowabruce

    Fame and fortune gone awry....

    Dumba#$ !!!!!!!!!!
  7. iowabruce

    Shed Buck Competition!! Get em!

    I have to admit, I'm with you on this one Skip!
  8. iowabruce

    Poaching for money

    My personal belief is that the Andrews buck was not stolen for finacial gain, but I certainly have no proof of it. That deer could never ever be sold to anyone without it being recognized.
  9. iowabruce

    Poaching for money

    Why would you assume that every trophy head stolen is because of it's cash value? Jealousy, family grudges, the list goes on and on............and yes I do think someone would steal a rack and and throw it in a river, crazier things have happened. I truely believe there are crimes done by...
  10. iowabruce

    Poaching for money

    With the imaginations some have on this site, I'm glad I deal in sheds. Crooks are crooks are crooks , it doesn't matter if they are stealing racks or flat screen televisions. How does anyone know if anything is stolen when it is offered up for sale. I do like the "James Bond Villain"...
  11. iowabruce

    Poaching for money

    george waters was not a collector, he was a con man, plain and simple. Documentation would include a valid tag for sure, newspaper articles help a bunch since most poachers don't want it known they killed the buck and for sure a salvage tag if the buck was found or hit by a vehicle.
  12. iowabruce

    Poaching for money

    Oh, by the way......for the past 5-6 years I've only bought and sold wild sheds, and a few big skulls that came from Preserve deer. There is never a question where they came from.
  13. iowabruce

    Poaching for money

    I find it interesting that the original article states "the underground antler trade is big". Guys, I've been buying and selling antlers for going on 25 years, I know and regularly do business with a bunch of collectors across the U.S. People know me from ebay and antler auctions, and you know...
  14. iowabruce

    World record velvet buck?

    Here he is with full velvet the second week of August.
  15. iowabruce

    World record velvet buck?

    It's always fun for me to photograph these deer in August and then see if they get harvested in the fall. Here's one that really impressed me back then.
  16. iowabruce

    World record velvet buck?

    Jay, That is the original background, I've shed hunted this property for years. Trust me no photo shop on this one.
  17. iowabruce

    World record velvet buck?

    I thought you guys would like to see a monster.........
  18. iowabruce

    Bucks only. No doe s

    By the way, the 70's sucked as far as deer hunting went......I started hunting in 1973 and didn't even see a deer for the first 2 years.....took me 4 years to shoot my first little buck.
  19. iowabruce

    Bucks only. No doe s

    well back to the 1970's............
  20. iowabruce

    Nov 22 Buck - pic now added

    I love it when a bad year turns to good. Congrats on a very , very nice trophy !
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