Yes, I am persistent when I really believe in something. Sure love hearing from others...
I'll let some others run with a few questions and I'll chime out for a while. I am sure not trying to dominate a debate and LOVE opposing views. Few things, love some feedback....
1) This is a NEW season and we're JUST seeing the ripple effects of this in last year or two, do you think this COULD have the potential to turn into something similar to WI's Earn-a-buck situation which caused major problems (and got scrapped) - see my above post. This is a NEW issue we must deal with NOW, not a dead horse, a game changing season we're JUST NOW seeing the results of: deer sightings, mature bucks, buck sightings in general.
Clayton is still in 1st place with 63 shed bucks (vs 51 as of 2 days ago)
Jackson in 2nd with 35
Allamakee in 3rd with 32. You lucky guys in NE with your cold temps, more snow and more stress on deer, NOT FAIR! Come on southern IA- let's load up those banana clips and dial those scopes in at long distances!
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!............
I've been contacted by several large Hunting Companies, they have offered some extra awards for my new and prestigious contest:
LARGEST BODY WEIGHT SHED BUCK AWARD: gets a Push-Button Auto-loader for loading your banana clips.
SHED BUCK THAT HAS LARGEST SET OF SHED ANTLERS FOUND LATER AWARD: gets 1/2 off the price of donating your HUSH deer at a local meat locker. Several meat lockers have contacted me about this donation/prize.
MOST SHED BUCKS KILLED PER GROUP AWARD: Trophy presented to them by BRAD PITT at the Shed Buck Banquet.
More prizes and more announcements to come. I have a list of celebrities that want to speak at our Shed Buck Banquet, you will be impressed! The contest next year will involve different math BUT I assure you will have better prizes, more prizes, more celebrities and more prestige. I'm also starting a website:
www.shedbucksofiowa.com Please join!!!!
Ok, gotta have some fun here folks.... in all seriousness, tell me if you think there's any similarities to Wisconsin and their Earn-a-buck deal of a few years ago (read above post), if you agree we're just seeing the ripple effect of this new season AND if you think this law and many others Government passes have unintended consequences.... Floor is yours for a while, all in good fun and debate.