Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    What kind of fish??

    Walleyes love them too!! Especially the 1.5"-2.5' size! We have three ponds on our farm loaded with them and I use them for walleye!!

    Which Arrows do you shoot?

    Ditto on this one!

    Decoy delima

    Here, I will piss you all off then!! LOL Use the right set up and you wont need a decoy at all!! Every year birds have a certian strutting zone they use from year to year, even if you kill the dominate bird the year before one will always be back there to strut that same area. Why, becuase...

    How big?

    Has to be bigger than my biggest one one the wall with what ever weapon I have killed it with or I wont mount it. So with that said, Bow is 146 3/8", ML is 151 2/8" and gun is 156 7/8". Lots of room for improvement!!

    Viewing Trail Cam Cards with Blackberry

    I have a Magellen GPS, equiped with a camera and sd card reader!! Works Great!! http://iowawhitetail.com/forum/picture.php?albumid=331&pictureid=5443

    One to Worry About

    What do you guys pay right now for resident tags? Increase your resident tag cost?? IF you don't want the NR, ask for a tag increase for Residents then. 3 bucks tags, really do you need that many?? Why not 2?? One with archery and one with firearm?? Your choice to use it in what ever...

    What's the biggest threat to the future of deer hunting in Iowa?

    Money is the root of all Evil!! That basically leads to Greed! The almighty dollar will eventually rule out the everyday local hunter of his hunting lands and opportunities. I am a NR from Wisconsin and I have to admit, Iowa has some of the best Public lands anywhere. They rival some of...

    Anybody have photoshop skills?

    I always cut the tongue off when I get the deer prior to pictures. Hate that thing hanging out. A guy I work with is darn good with Photoshop, actually uses a different program to do that and looks pretty damn good. Does all our PIM exhibits and has to match photo together so he is messing...

    Made it through Gun Season!!

    My buddy got his Christmas present early and got some additional pictures of this buck still running after the gun season in Wisconsin!! I told him he needs to get down there now on his corn field and bean field and shoot that slob! Lots of snow and bitterly cold, he will come in!! GET THERE...
  10. OLETOM

    The Shoulder Shot

    Head Shot!!! The wont go anywhere? Maybe maybe not....I shot for the head on does too but here is one for you. My dad had a buck come by ML this year and it hada bullet hole, get this....through its mouth!! Yep, it went in one side and out the other missing the entire jaw!! I assume it...
  11. OLETOM

    Poachers and Trespassers!

    At first I didn't, he, Road Hunter could not explain what the bucks rack looked like exactly which is understandable, and I wanted to see it to see which buck it was. And I wanted to get the whole story from him....
  12. OLETOM

    Poachers and Trespassers!

    No that is not me in the picture. I took it, that is the shooter or as I refer to him, the Road Hunter. Aptly named have seen him shoot a deer off the road before, a couple years back. Long story short or maybe not.....I was out setting up some cameras in some strategically placed locations...
  13. OLETOM

    Poachers and Trespassers!

    Oh here is another little trick the neighbors use by us!! Opening day was November 10th this year in Wisconsin so the neighbors unleased the hounds on Nov. 19th this year to let them run deer!! Check the date on the picture!!! No wonder I didn't see any good deer this year!!! They...
  14. OLETOM

    Poachers and Trespassers!

    Isn't there a compact out there now between a pile of states? If you are caught poaching in one state you are banned from a pile of states. Maybe increase the years on poaching from 3 to 5 to more?? And fines, manditory $1500 for a doe and $500 per point on a buck!! That might be enough...
  15. OLETOM

    Crazy Story on My Wisconsin ML Buck

    Great story. What was with the growth on the brisket then? Infection?
  16. OLETOM

    Favorite load data

    I wont call BS on some of the posts but here is what I shoot. TC Omega 100 grain 777 250 shock waves 777 209 primers 100 yrds 2" high 200 yrds 18" low Now if you are low of bull, it would dependent on your bull. My bull is 4" so that puts me 12" low of the bull at 200 yards. Which is an...
  17. OLETOM


    Your not the only one getting pictures of yotes this year. I think there is only one cam that I am not getting pictures of yotes on. That might be why we are not seeing as many fawns this year on that farm. Kind of eary every night when the whole valley, sum 1200 acres opens up with the...
  18. OLETOM

    WTF What is this?

    Chupacabra - lots of them roaming around up in the area now I hear!
  19. OLETOM

    Poor Rack Score Estimation

    Folks, that is why they call it GROUND SHRINKAGE!!! LMAO We all have done it and the realistic ones are man enough to admit it! Happens to the best of them.
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