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    Big West Central WI Buck

    Update on this buck. August 30 and he is out of velvet.

    Big West Central WI Buck

    Thought I would share these with you guys. Pictures of a big west central Wisconsin Buck. http://www.iowawhitetail.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=18706 http://www.iowawhitetail.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=18706&password=&sort=2&thecat=515 If this doesn't come out...

    If you could relocate,

    Right where I am at. 40 Min. to IA and MN for some fun deer hunting and trout streams, I have them right here in my back yard, no need to go to Iowa to catch trout, WI has some darn good streams that hold some pretty big fish too. Not to mention some pretty good hunting if you can avoid the...

    So any rumors on regulation changes for this year

    I missed the deadline this year! THAT SUCKS! Anyway, does anyone know if I can purchase an NR tag for a doe? A buddy of mine has a ton of land and wants does shot and I was just thinking that if a NR can get a doe tag I would come down late season and smack a couple for him. I see they have...

    Need some help, input please.

    dbltree, you can post the propety if you would like. Makes it much easier to see. On this farm we have probably a deer density around 2:1 maybe 3:1 doe:buck ratio. When it was first purchase it was easily 5:1. You would see 20-30 deer a night from stand. Now you maybe see 10-12 on the field...

    Need some help, input please.

    Try the link now guys, I moved it to the members forum.

    Need some help, input please.

    Okay, here we go. I will break the land down a little more. We will start with the woods first. Areas, 1,2 & 3 we will call Section A, is comprised of a 40 acre section of woods (Lays north and south with a big draw in the middle) that is completely off limits to cattle and is generally...

    Need some help, input please.

    http://www.iowawhitetail.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=16032 My cousin and I are looking at improving our hunting ground. We would like to use some switch grass or something to improve the habitat adjacent to some pine trees leading out into some crop fields. If not switch grass some...

    Gray Wolf Woolens joins iowawhitetail.com

    Man, I have been trying to find the preditor camo for years after it was sold by Mr.Hood. Use to be able to buy if when they had their sales here in La Crosse way back when and it has slowly been disappearing ever since. Anyway, I am definately goingo to have Momma do some birthday shopping...
  10. OLETOM

    DNR Public Comment Website--COMMENT NOW

    Not sure how much they will look at a NR aspect to this. I voted to not raise the number of Either Sex tags but mentioned that they should reduce the COST on the doe tags. You might get me to come over and shoot a couple doe late season but not for $158. Maybe I would pay $75. $158, I just...
  11. OLETOM

    Jimmy Houston

    All I can say is, 3 acres or 1400 acres, it is all the same. IT IS A HIGH FENCE PEN. The deer still can not get away from you no matter how hard they try. I also have seen Jimmy fishing some 3-4 acre farm ponds as well.
  12. OLETOM

    Options for 2006?

    I hate to throw this out there because I am an NR and it is Iowa's Problem, but WI is under the same kind of problems. Private Land being so called managed and no access to help control the deer population. Here are a couple things that I have seen work in WI that you may want to think about...
  13. OLETOM

    WI Monsters from 2005

    I though you guys would enjoy some of these fine animals that were emailed to me by friends. There are others out there as well. Take a look at this link. http://www.rivervalleyoutdoors.com/2005/ Man, that gets a guy pumped up to go out and take a night stand.
  14. OLETOM

    WI Outfitter BUSTED!

    Not sure what this guys clients were thinking...Attached is an article on the outfitter and charges, as well as his web site. 100% Fair Chase, Ya Right! Enjoy, http://www.wisconsinoutdoornews.com/articles/2005/11/29//news/news1.txt http://www.performancebowhunting.com/blueriver/ Put the...
  15. OLETOM

    Land Advice

    Don't be affraid to approach a larger or small farm that has timber and ask them if they ever thought of selling a chunck of land. You never know what might happen. You may get a little bit at a time and end up with quite a little after a while from the same farmer. My experience has been...
  16. OLETOM

    Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute...

    Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute. How could you not know you were on private land. "Ah, there is a treestand with no one in it. It's not mine, but I am going to use it anyway." In a report that I had seen earlier, Monday morning, it said that this person had been arrested in...
  17. OLETOM

    The Truth - Potential World Record

    Any idea on when North American Whitetail will have an article on this young mans awesome whitetail hunt? Can't wait to see the harvest photos. Congrates to the young man and father.
  18. OLETOM

    the name game!

    Pretty simple here, Nick Name given to me in highschool, allot shorter than my full last name of Oldenburg......OLE and then my first name TOM.......hense OLETOM
  19. OLETOM

    iowa whitetail total years of bowhunting expe

    Tack on another 20 yrs for myself. Total now....2269
  20. OLETOM

    Monster Dubuque Buck...Wow!!!!!

    Geezzz, Why would anyone shoot something that small. One hellova buck. Look at that skull plate, that deer had be pumping some steroids! JUST AWESOME BABY!
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