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DNR Public Comment Website--COMMENT NOW


New Member
Sorry for the lengthy post. Just rec'd this from my PF Regional Biologist and knew you'd all like to provide comments. Here you go....

I wanted to make you all aware of a public comment page within the DNR
Website. Please go look as there are some DNR rule and legislative
initiatives that require your comment PLEASE TAKE TIME TO MAKE SOME

1. The principal legislative issue is the DNR's push to increase
nonresident deer permits by an additional 6000 (to a total of 12,000) and turkey hunters by an additional 1100. There are better ways to get
the funding needed.

* The supporters of additional permits will be flooding this site with
commentary in favor of more. You need to speak up against it if that
is your position. You also need to have good reasons for your position
(there are some talking points below that you may adapt if you wish in
crafting your own statement). You may only provide 250 words of commentary.

2. Legislation regarding Trapping -limited Otter trapping, Bobcat
trapping--We need to get behind these trapping issues and support the
DNR's limited trapping seasons


Pheasants Forever chapters and many of our more than 20,000 Iowa
members oppose the proposed DNR legislation doubling any sex non-resident
deer permits, and increaseing non-resident turkey permits by nearly 50%.
PF agrees with the Iowa Conservation Alliance (a group comprising
nearly all of Iowa's major conservation organizations) which also voted in
January to oppose this legislation. Here is why:

Additional non-residents will aggravate hunting access problems for

* Expanding non-resident any-sex deer & turkey permits will increase
recreational access problems, and complicate deer management and herd
reduction. Recent surveys of PF leaders and members found the average
respondent had lost access on over 5 farms totaling 1274 acres in the past
several years. The survey found 70% of respondents favor no basic
increase in non-resident permits. Among the causes of loss--32% were to
non-resident recreational land purchase, and 39% to hunting leases that catered mostly to nonresidents.

Iowa residents balance Iowa's deer population:

* Residents are important. Iowa deer harvest depends on residents
finding access to control our expanding deer population. Non-resident
purchase and leasing restrict resident access/recreation while compounding
herd control problems. Hunter numbers are already declining. If Iowans
cannot find hunting access, more will leave the sport. Iowans harvest,
by far, the greatest majority of doe deer.
* Iowans should be our first consideration. Only 14% Iowans hunt in
other states. The rest choose to, or have no choice except to hunt within
our own borders they need access HERE. Fully 93% of the total of all
hunting days taken by Iowans anywhere, occur within our borders.

There are better funding alternatives that do not impact Iowans
hunting access:

* The DNR says it needs nonresident permit funding to create an access and land acquisition program.
* PF supports expanded funding, but there are better methods to create
it. Increasing the Habitat Stamp fee by $10, or creating a $10 Access
Fee for all hunters creates more funding than the proposed increase in
nonresident permits, without increasing access pressures.
* Increasing general license fees for all nonresidents and increasing
the cost of current nonresident deer and turkey permits could add an
additional $1.5 million annually to the DNRs programs.
* Legislators should give this serious consideration to the permanent,
dedicated, Missouri-style, public funding initiative for Natural
Resources (an earmarked % of a sales tax increase, or similar vehicle)
supported by our PF chapter leaders and members.
I responded yesterday. It's a great way to talk to the DNR guys in Des Moines instead of just complaining to the DNR field staff. They don't have much voice on these issues anyway. It's a very user-friendly comment site. Eveyone should respond.
You got that right!
I did it yesterday after an email from elkhunter. I would have never otherwise known about it. I just went to the IDNR home page and I can't find anything about public comment. Seems that if they really want "comments" it would be right on the front page

Thankfully we have a few dedicated people who make sure these things don't slip by unnoticed.
Thanks for the post.
It's things like this that will help
us all if we take advantage of it.
Not sure how much they will look at a NR aspect to this. I voted to not raise the number of Either Sex tags but mentioned that they should reduce the COST on the doe tags. You might get me to come over and shoot a couple doe late season but not for $158. Maybe I would pay $75. $158, I just assume wait till I draw and then wait for my buck and if no buck, then a doe in Jan.
I feel the best way to increase the DNR's funds is to raise the price of a resident deer tag to $45. This would provide ample fundage for the DNR.
What raise our tag fees are you nuts we pay a pretty good price now Michigan resident Deer Tag is 14.00 and over 110.00 for a non-res, no habitat fee or other license fees. I hunt up there every year. Charge Non-res a little more here and offer a cheaper doe tag for them.
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