Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. mattbrown1022

    4/14 Pull

    Thanks for the info Cooter!
  2. mattbrown1022

    4/14 Pull

    First pull of the year for me. Left the cameras out for 4 weeks and this is what I have so far. These two will need a couple years but I still love getting the pictures. http://iowawhitetail.com/forum/picture.php?albumid=1060&pictureid=10876 This deer is will not get the pass if he walks...
  3. mattbrown1022


    Found 4 dozen in warren county today.
  4. mattbrown1022


    Seen quite a bit less deer this year, but have seen an increase in turkeys and bobcats.
  5. mattbrown1022

    how did you get it?

    My name plus my favorite gun.
  6. mattbrown1022

    Big catch for the weekend

    Brother and I are out right now. I'll get pictures posted later. First time I've trapped in a few years and I forgot how much fun it is. Time to put deer on the back burner again!
  7. mattbrown1022

    food plot ideas

    Deer density is not to high. But I wont be able to get to this spot after crops are planted. Late season may be out of the question, but what could I plant in the spring?
  8. mattbrown1022

    food plot ideas

    Just got permission to plant a plot from the landowner. Its about a half acre surrounded by cedars and young trees. Want something to draw them on the late season. Never planted a plot before and would like some veteran help.
  9. mattbrown1022

    Plat Maps

    Thanks guys!
  10. mattbrown1022

    Plat Maps

    Is there a place where I can buy multiple counties? Or, will I have to go to each counties courthouse?
  11. mattbrown1022

    Late Muzzleloader Movement Update

    Haven't seen a deer over 2 years of age and have only seen two I f those. Does aren't even coming out til after dark. Been walking during the day and seeing nothing. Dead here in Shelby county.
  12. mattbrown1022

    22 mag

    I had a Marlin, and it would never hold zero. Not sure what happened there. Just a bad apple maybe? I also have a Marlin .22LR and the gun is super accurate.
  13. mattbrown1022

    Don't like the term "Orange Army"

    Yeah, I like that. I only drive and post hunt one weekend a year and I truly enjoy it. The people I hunt with are all responsible when it comes to shooting and handling firearms. Call us an army if you want but the best part of that weekend is catching up with old friends and eating great...
  14. mattbrown1022

    late muzzle

    Very ready. It will be nice to have a little more range.
  15. mattbrown1022

    Southern Iowa Rifle Season

    I also hunt ringgold and have noticed a significant decrease in deer sightings as well. Really disappointing...
  16. mattbrown1022

    Top 10 Things That Annoy Me While Hunting...

    Looks like more wind Sunday...
  17. mattbrown1022

    scents and lures

    I've had really good results with the code blue doe estrous gel. Seen a few bucks come up and lick the branch I put it on. The gel works better than the liquid.
  18. mattbrown1022

    Took Advantage of the Rain Tonight

    I can't take it any more. I'm taking tomorrow off!
  19. mattbrown1022

    This weekend.

    I plan on sitting all day on Saturday for sure and possibly Sunday. I typically see pretty good movement the last weekend of October with the bird hunters out. This is also the weekend I start to break out the calls. Last year I missed a good 8 that came into the horns clashing together. The...
  20. mattbrown1022

    Tagged out this weekend

    I shot one on Oct. 3rd a few years back. Otherwise I have no success til middle November it seems like.
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