Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. MNbuckhunter

    Best days of the rut

    It can happen anytime from late October on... I used to hunt the first week of November pretty hard. Didn't really see much for big bucks until the end of the first week and beyond. I am banking on Nov. 7-15 this year. Should be good. I'd say based on trail pics over the years, the biggest...
  2. MNbuckhunter

    Moment of truth

    I do agree with this. My dad and I are down hunting right now and I told him the story and we both mentioned the same thing...turn draw weight down. I'm shooting around 63# and there is plenty of zip on my arrow. I mainly cranked it down for late season hunts when it's below zero and you have 7...
  3. MNbuckhunter

    Best days of the rut

    Nov 12th is my favorite day
  4. MNbuckhunter

    Accuracy Trouble.

    Boy I don't know. I use a HHA with a dial so it's right on if you sight in at 20 and 40. Only thing from long distances is follow through. Watch the arrow hit the target. If that doesn't work, I'd say your pin is off at 50.
  5. MNbuckhunter

    2015 AZ Hunting Journal

    Thanks for posting your hunting journal again this year. It's always fun following your detailed stories. As hunters, we can all relate to similar experiences and emotions. Gets me very excited for the season. I wish more folks would share like you do. Thanks!
  6. MNbuckhunter

    need help guys

    Without question that is a mature deer. Brute of a body. Best of luck chasing him!
  7. MNbuckhunter

    What Would You Do?

    Can't fault you either way on your decision...BUT there is no way I could let a deer like that walk. We just don't get that many opportunities at true giant deer where I'm at. If you do, then maybe you would feel fine passing him. It's your call. Best of luck.
  8. MNbuckhunter

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    I haven't been down to the farm since Sept 20th. My dad was down there last weekend and took that picture of the field. I do have a plot watcher set up on each plot. Also that picture was taken from an area where deer do not come out so maybe the field is being used further into the plot. Either...
  9. MNbuckhunter

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    There should be plenty of peas and radishes in there. Did the same as Dbltree said with 50# rye, 50# oats, 50# peas and 5# GHFR and red clover. I will be headed down there Friday. There are actually 2 plots about the same size . Maybe I will mow about 1/2 of each plot and see what happens??? I...
  10. MNbuckhunter

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    Planted Sept 2nd. Here are a series of photos showing growth over a period of a dates. Sept 12... http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q672/markprestrud/256797FA-BC38-4155-9E08-0E59842200D4_zpshbh1rtez.jpg Sept 20...
  11. MNbuckhunter

    Sligh1 - October 1 Buck, Great Opener! "REST OF THE STORY"....

    That thing is unbelievable! Great job Skip!
  12. MNbuckhunter

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    Any input???
  13. MNbuckhunter

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    Planted my cereal Sept 2nd this year and didn't put any urea down. Didn't catch a rain until the 6th or so. Plot has been growing big time with the weather conditions we've had. More warm to come. At what point would you consider mowing it down? Just curious as mine is starting to get kind of...
  14. MNbuckhunter

    Any scrapes yet?

    Pretty much every overhanging tree on the alfalfa field edge was ripped up by Sept 15th on one farm. On another farm there were only a couple hardly noticeable scrapes by then. Is assume they are getting ripped up now or very soon.
  15. MNbuckhunter

    2015 Archery Buck

    I arrowed a buck Sunday, Sept. 20th. We had a couple velvet pics in the summer and also a few hard horned pics early in Sept. I actually saw this buck out in the alfalfa field while walking out my first hunt of the year. He came out by another stand we have up so I decided to sit there the next...
  16. MNbuckhunter

    Resize photo for upload

    Anyone know how to resize a photo so I can upload it to the sight. It says 1.0MB max. I shot a buck on Sunday night and wanted to post a story and a few pics in the harvest section. Thanks, Mark
  17. MNbuckhunter

    B's first buck !

    Congrats on the first buck!
  18. MNbuckhunter

    Ben's first buck

    Crazy nice first buck! Congrats to Ben!
  19. MNbuckhunter

    2015 youth season

    Good luck to all the youth out there! I'm not a youth but was hunting in WI. Had deer moving at 4:05 until dark. 10 came into the Dbltree plot...all d&f's.
  20. MNbuckhunter

    How Close is the Rut? 6 Ways to Tell

    Yep, in my area id say Nov 5-end of November. I'd say the most productive day on my farm gear after year has been Nov 12th. I have seen the best action and cameras tell me even more.
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