Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Spysar

    Grunt Tubes

    There's really nothing I've heard that can really duplicate the sound a buck makes. I haven't tried too many types. What are some of the best ones that sound the most like a real buck? I usually don't use calls too much, but they work sometimes and I think I should have one. Trying to upgrade...
  2. Spysar

    Deer Decoy

    I'm talking about specifically in Iowa. Do they work? Buck or doe decoy? I've never tried one.
  3. Spysar

    20 Years of Non Resident Hunting Iowa, My 5th Tag This Year, I'm Psyched!

    A lot has changed in 20 years. I got my 1st pref point in 2004, and my first tag in 2005. This year, 2024, I drew my 5th, zone five tag. I'm hunting south of knoxville. I used to hunt by permission, now I pay to get on ground, and hunt public. I got 3 weeks set up, the last week in Oct up until...
  4. Spysar


    That's what I just spent to apply for an Iowa deer permit. I love hunting deer in Iowa, but I'm afraid this is the last time for me. The wait, the price, I'm just done. Freeing up my spot for someone else. And I might not even get the tag, and Iowa will milk me for another point...But I am...
  5. Spysar

    NY Tom

    Got one.
  6. Spysar

    Can't Do This In Iowa

    You guys have the best deer, but I don't know how you live without the ocean. I went for squid yesterday. So good to eat. I feel sorry for all you guys that have to eat catfish, bass and walleye, yuck. Lol
  7. Spysar

    What About This One?

  8. Spysar

    Does Iowa DNR Ever Buy Land?

    I can't remember ever seeing any new public land popping up on the maps ever. Except maybe walk in. With all the crazy new bills to increase opportunity, why don't they do it by buying land? Or maybe they do and I don't know. Where I live on the NY\Mass line, both states have tons of public and...
  9. Spysar

    History of this site

    Just wondering when this site started and who started it?
  10. Spysar

    Honey bees

    I put this in the farming section just because some farming depends on pollinators. I'm sure a lot on here farm rowcrops that don't need pollinators, but what about orchards and gardens? Lot's of stuff needs pollination...and honey is good. So does anyone on here have bees??? I do. This winters...
  11. Spysar

    Maine Moose

    Anyone put in for the greatest lottery of all time, Maine moose? It's a fairly cheap hunt if you draw a tag. I'm in the lottery again after getting a bull tag in 2016. Chances of getting a tag is low. Even residents have to use a lottery. Application period is open now.
  12. Spysar

    Fishing Superbowl Squares

    Where I live I do a lot of deep sea fishing. I can reach 5 different states that have good deep sea fishing. And the saltwater license is free and reciprocal . I can fish Conn, RI, Mass, NH and Maine. All can be reached in a 3 hour drive. A boat I like is having football squares where the...
  13. Spysar

    Looking for bucks, found this instead

    This is Massachusetts public land and I have a tag
  14. Spysar

    6 To 7% Timber

    I hear Skip say this all the time. Historically, was Iowa always 6 to 7% timber? Seems to me the land price increases are due to hunting , not farming. Is that true, or am I wrong on that? Why is there no initiative to make more timbered land?
  15. Spysar

    They're Multiplying

    This was last night in my backyard. 40 yards from the backdoor. Got a driveway alarm now to wake me up and a window cracked...
  16. Spysar


    This one wasn't so smart trying to cross my yard in broad day light. Woot!
  17. Spysar

    Old member

    Hey, my name is Eric. I"ve been a member here for a while. I'm not from Iowa, I'm from upstate NY. I live in a rural area. I've been applying to hunt Iowa since 2004. I have been able to hunt Iowa 4 times so far, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2018. I have 2 points now. Great state you guys have.
  18. Spysar


    I can't seem to get a pic on here anymore... It used to be easy. Don't know what I'm doing wrong? Tried to make a thread with pics several times. It dosen't help that I'm not too smart on the computer, ughh
  19. Spysar

    I Drew, Results Are Out

    Got my non res zone 5 tag.
  20. Spysar

    Biggest Bow Kill

    Howdy everyone. I'm new to posting on this site. There might be a thread like this somewhere...but I was wondering if you all could post some pics of your personal biggest bowkill. From any state. Let's see them!
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