Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Big8s1992

    Turnip Plot Advice

    Appreciate the help!
  2. Big8s1992

    Turnip Plot Advice

    I’m in South Central Iowa. What idea you going to try?
  3. Big8s1992

    Turnip Plot Advice

    It puts down ~10 gal/ac. So you’d recommend broadcast seed into thatch as is and drag in ahead of some good rain? Would you pack after dragging or just leave the rain to do the work? The soil is fantastic so as for N I was just going to broadcast urea ahead of rain after they come up
  4. Big8s1992

    Turnip Plot Advice

    I do have a pull behind mower I could use to cut the clover thatch real short too I suppose
  5. Big8s1992

    Turnip Plot Advice

    I had been borrowing a buddy's small compact and rear tine tiller but he had a major breakdown. I have a fourwheeler, various drags, & a small pull behind disc & a cultipacker. I would put in the time with the disc but I dont think it's heavy enough to do anything more than scratch up the clover...
  6. Big8s1992

    Turnip Plot Advice

    Hey all, Been prepping a 3ac lush clover plot for turnips & radishes. I mowed it short, waited & sprayed an avg rate mix of gly & 24d. Noticed last weekend when I checked it that most of the clover was going to survive just fine so I upped the rates and sprayed a 2nd time. There are a few...
  7. Big8s1992


    Have been waiting patiently for my last mowing of clover for the season..have been holding off with this dry weather. I like to clip tops towards the end of August so growth is lush & tender by the October opener. It's a 3 acre plot that has done great even despite the dry spells this summer but...
  8. Big8s1992


    I was out on a number of farms over the long weekend and was watching closely for vultures & smells but nothing. Decatur, Clarke, Union & Ringgold Counties.
  9. Big8s1992

    SF 175- Ravin Crossbows Lobbying for eventual full crossbow use…

    Exactly - they’re just trying to get a foot in the door & cross the bridge of getting crossguns allowed for general public during a firearm season so that they can then be able to say next year “well it’s already allowed for the public then why wouldn’t it be allowed during the archery season as...
  10. Big8s1992

    SF 175- Ravin Crossbows Lobbying for eventual full crossbow use…

    I’ll add that if you join IBA they make it very easy to click a “take action” button in the body of the emails they send out (like above informing us about SF 175) and it automically populates your Senator aligned with your address with a well worded email outlining why you’re asking they oppose...
  11. Big8s1992

    Question on Frost Seeding into tall grass.

    1/4 acre plot takes me about 30 minutes or so to weedeat - got to clear much of that thatch to frost seed in my opinion but very doable with a decent weedeater when the ground is still hard
  12. Big8s1992

    Matched Sets

    I’ve been monitoring two different groups of 6-10 bucks on two separate farms that have been pretty regular over the past few weeks. Not one of them had dropped in either group as of a few days ago. I’ve just started to notice a few dinks being shed on my trail cams and one nice 4 year old shed...
  13. Big8s1992

    Matched Sets

    When a healthy buck is walking around with only one side do you guys generally notice he drops the other side fairly quickly/closeby? For those of you that have found a lot of matched sets that have NOT been laying in a bed together. What would be your guess for average time between one antler...
  14. Big8s1992

    SURVIVORS! 2023….

    Three bucks that I'm thrilled have made it past January 10. I believe two were 4 year olds & one was a 3 yo this past fall based on previous year's pics - was very tough to not hunt these bucks this year! If I get the opportunity to hunt even one of these three over the next two falls I will...
  15. Big8s1992

    Ghosts of deer seasons past?

    Love these types of posts. This deer showed up on a farm in early Nov 2020 - I had already filled both my statewide tags. Had a buddy hunt the farm for him but he tagged out on 11/13 at 1pm on a different buck. Two hours after we got done recovering and loading up his buck, I got trail cam pic...
  16. Big8s1992

    Solar vs Rechargeable 12V Power for Cell Cams??

    Hey All - anyone compared these solar panels all the trail cam companies are selling vs rechargeable 12v battery packs in the field? I run a lot cell cams and am going to have to invest in either solar or external rechargeable batteries for each of my cell cams this offseason due to the insane...
  17. Big8s1992

    450 Bushmaster Bullets

    I originally used Hornady FTX but have had A LOT better expansion/blood trails with Barnes VOR-TX TSX
  18. Big8s1992

    DeerGro products

    Just took a look at Plotstart - haven't looked at plot boost. I have a chemical engineering background. It's mainly calcium chloride, with a weight density around 11 lbs/gal and calcium of 10% by weight (stated on the label of a 2.5 gal jug - the remaining 90% of the contents in that jug are...
  19. Big8s1992

    Consensus on 2022 antler growth

    Poor to average at best for the majority of the bucks I've located from last year so far..three bucks out of about 20 that I'd say has made a good jump
  20. Big8s1992


    I've heard a general rule of thumb is plant 45-60 days ahead of first frost to prevent bulbs from becoming too big/unpalatable which in Southern Iowa seems to be 2nd-3rd week of October in most years according to ISU. That lines up pretty well with Skip's September 1 deadline but I suppose that...
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