Tordon is GREAT! But can spread through roots to other systems if near by so be careful. Forester recommended to me 41 percent round-up or similar undiluted to do the ticket.
Another way to pay for your rec ground...row crop, roll rent payment into rec ground. ROI is usually 3-5 percent per year depending on contract length and land per acre
There are various types of accounts that taxation doesn't apply. I had to investment life insurance policy that I cashed out. Earns money, no penalty to pull out of at any point. It was like a fancy savings account..up front initial investment was the biggest
And like our row and...
Another thing to look at is retirement account...if no penalty, cash them out and use as payment. If ag ground do the math ..see what return in investment is and bet you could better returns than that retirement account.
I'm with you sir. I'm not saying anyone is at fault but visibility is definitely not helping the focus on certain locations. Problem is with decatur county...not a high enough priority until enough people squeak. Then you do catch them, call the sheriff, they just tell them to go elsewhere...
Depending where you are...and timing of your trees (I have 150 coming in a couple weeks) you can borrow dibble bar.
I didn't use tubing on mine and they seemed to do ok. Will lose some but always keep a rubbing post they can hone in on.
I did this for the IW community back in the day, the old Shed Gathering days. .only took losing two farms to people leasing next to me to figure out I did it to myself as only way they knew about it was showing up to my farm.
Tread carefully. I would have it at a community center or I've seen...
Unfortunately some areas are self created by social media posts. If you have the time and quick search can nail a home range for people. You can even strip metadata out of a image to get where photo was taken. All my hero shots are not taken on farm deer were taken
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