Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. S


    180, If you haven't shot many recurves, I would pick up a Hoyt GameMaster. It will have basically the same grip/riser as the Hoyt Tec risers. This should give you some familiarity and not be much change from what you are currently shooting. Try to find one in 40-50#; it is better to start...
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    Easton FMJ's

    I always thought they were a gimmick...why put something that will bend around something that won't. I got some black ones for turkey hunting...don't need tough arrows to head shoot turkeys after all. I stump shoot a lot; I have yet to bend one. In fack, I did a little test on our steel plate...
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    SF2127 Non-resident hunting

    Fletchy, You are SO right, I will never kill as many bucks as your "hindness". I've got no complaints about my trophy room. Unfortunately your bloated ego hindered you from actually READING what I said. I did not say EAB on 2 does was something I liked. BUT, I will do what the law states...
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    SF2127 Non-resident hunting

    I have learned a lot here lurking. Too bad an idiot has caused my first post. Guys like ol' Fletch is why it is hard for a NR to come to Iowa and hunt. Not all of us from Michigan are pompus a$$e$! In fact "experts" like Fletch are why I prefer to hunt anywhere BUT home. If I were a betting...
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