Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2007-2008 goals


Well-Known Member
Anyone already know thier hunting goals for the upcoming season?

I have a newly aquired piece of ground that the owner has had no hunting for quite some time. Now that the deer are eating his bushes and garden, I have got the nod to hunt.
My goal is to take 5+ does off this property between bow, and late muzzleloader season. I would also like 1 good shooting oppertunity at 3 bucks I know of.

If you know already, what are your goals?
1. Harvest a CO elk
2. Shoot a MN Buck 3.5+ y/o(hopefully early season) over one of my food plots

3. Shoot one or two MN does early
4. Shoot 140+ KS whitetail off public ground
5.Shoot 1 to 3 more does in MN late season.
6. A bonus would be coyote some where in the mix.
7. Stay safe.
8. Film some of these kills.
9. Get my 3 y/o daughter involved in some of the scouting or recoveries.
I got one buck I want to kill, he is my goal for the year. Second to that is shooting more does than the guy I hunt with.
Mine pretty much stay the same every year.

Put a couple does in the freezer.
Hold out till the last few days of bow season for a good'n, then smoke the first heavy 2 y/o if he don't.

I would like to fill some city tags and get my first kill with the muzzy in late season. Kinda looking forward to muzzy since I will be heading to a better county for a few days.
That would be fun for her I'm certain.

My little guy, who is one, is already running around the house all day saying "BA BA BA". Which to him means Buck. Then he runs over to the wall and fusses until someone lets him touch the antlers. He must have it in his genetic make-up.

We'll be at the Stony Creek during late muzz, you need some help with kill'n some deer just holler.

We'll be at the Stony Creek during late muzz, you need some help with kill'n some deer just holler.

[/ QUOTE ]

Enjoy God's backyard. And don't tell anyone else about it.

You never know I may need some help.
I can also help you on places to eat, DRINK, and JJohnson has an outdoor shop on the north end of town.

If you need assistance, let me know. And I will let you know if I need help shooting deer
Shoot a buck that makes me happy.
Shoot 10+ does for my landowners.
Shoot a deer with my self made longbow.
Have fun and stay safe.
Dor, what part of KS ya huntin' in?

Goals this year: help my wife get her first whitetail (that's not an easy goal, she's way too picky
), shoot at least one doe (two if I don't connect on a buck), and shoot a one forty or better mature buck.
Very pretty area, and they have some good deer up there. With a little bit different timing I might have ended up in Concordia instead of Coffeyville. Good luck up there, hope to see you post some pics.
well first
not loose the land i have acquired.....( i have had terrible luck with land)
shoot a book buck with my bow and kill a mature deer with my muzzy.
kill a pile of does to fill the freezer with.....5-7
get my wife a chance at any deer as she will be 8 months pregnant in OCT. (this is honestly her idea....i swear)
video a bunch of hunts and
like Muddy said, be safe and just have fun!!
My goal is to shoot a bigger buck than CamoKid. I get out about four times as much as he does, and if he tops me again this year . . . well, it's gonna be hard to keep him in the house.
Fill my Iowa with one of two bucks im hunting, a giant B&C 10 point or a 6X6 with a a few stickers that i have sheds and pictures from last year of, as well as pictures this year.
1. 5*5 Elk or a nice fat cow.
2. 3 year old or larger WI Bow season.
3. 3 year old or larger KS Bow Season.
4. 2 earn a buck stickers for 2008.
5. Bag a two dozen ducks, grouse and pheasants in total with my black lab.
6. Have fun and enjoy life.
oh ya, almost forgot
kill my first out of state buck this year.....
A North Dakota Bruiser

you got him tied up to the tree for me yet Josh??
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