The TAG DEMAND HAS NOT DECREASED, those #'s are due to the preference point system, which more people don't apply, they just buy the points. It's a FACT, in southern Iowa- it used to be every other year and now it's roughly ever 4 years, in just a 6-7 year timeframe shift. More people buy the points now which are not included in there and the wait has increased immensely.
Just to clarify, you want to eliminate GOV tags and keep the NR tag allocation the same? I'm trying to figure out your opinion on this entire thing and why? I have read your posts and know that you also have a large amount of land you are trying to sell right now. I do not mean to be confrontational just want to have a better idea of what you're thinking. Thanks
Good & fair questions.....
1) in regards to land - If I wanted to make $ - I'd really want the flood gates for NRLO's to open up. Ground prices would go up $1k/acre very very fast & likely we'd surpass the IL high on prices as we have much less to sell (Illinois got to $5-5,500 for hunting type stuff before it went into the crapper). I honestly think it would hit 6-7K an acre for hunting land & eventually most would get split down to 30-80 acre farms after enough time. I really don't want that- personally, I really don't care about the $, I want the ground to be as good as possible and anything I sell - I'm going to roll right into ground anyways. Bottom line on NRLO's - I see both sides of the story, I have mixed feelings - I do think we need to be very careful on a very delicate situation in Iowa.... We have 5% timbered land and we can screw it up fast. One fact, if we just called a spade a spade, however you look at it.... If we did open the flood gates to free for all on tags to NRLO's - the land would almost entirely be bought up by NRLO's within 5-10 years & only the very few stubborn families would hold out until the owner eventually died. It would be gobbled up at crazy rates, that's just being honest no matter which side I'd be on. And I do see both sides the argument and my good friends are NRLO's.
2) NR tags & Gov tags. I "hope & wish" (really why I write in & post on the subject) the program dissolves so we aren't backed into a corner on the NR tag fight that has & will happen. I want to have the debate (no matter which side I'm on or you're on) while there isn't intense and crazy new demand currently happening. The demand needs to STEADY out or we're just going to either open the flood gates or just keep having the fight over and over and over. The trend is UP UP UP in the last 6-8 years for tag demand, the program markets to millions and impacts demand greatly.
ANALOGY.... Kinda like illegal immigration.... We did amnesty in the 80's with deal to secure the border. Didn't happen. Then, what 20 million new people came. Still didn't secure the border. Now, they want amnesty in some form for those 20 million and border isn't secure, even more are and will come, never ending problem. We'll have this fight again and again & folks are saying "fix the border 1st, then lets discuss the rest".
That's how I see Iowa creating giant demand to millions through the Mass marketing of Celeb tags to millions. let's at least stop that program - be fair to guys who own land here and hunted here for 10 years who are NR's. They started with every other year and now have 4 years often times for a tag in 6 year timeframe change. Let's be fair and turn the faucet off for creating un-needed demand - as much as possible at least. And the celeb tags do make a HUGE impact. Let's reduce that impact of that program. Then, we can steady demand, talk about this more rationally and know what demand will be like in 5 years. Cause right now, we're in the process of creating a whole lot more of it whether you agree or not, we are. It's an upward trend for demand big time! On top of that, the program can't justify itself, is completely unfair, is politics at its worst, etc, etc.
I do see both sides to all the NR discussion. Absolutely. I don't care about the $ in land as I'll die with land and I'm only selling to buy next to my main farm, never touching a penny. I want what's best for our delicate ecosystem of deer management. I have friends on all sides of the issues of NR's and I get it, tough issue. The one thing though that, crazy enough, we all actually agree on - getting rid of the Celeb tags. Getting a group like this to all agree on something is RARE and INCREDIBLE but also means much more do-able than we realize. Must happen or we are in for a tidal wave of change to our quotas, access, land, politics, etc.