Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2017-18 Team Deer Contest (Score Thread)

Team 12
Gross score 128 5/8
Right ----- Left
MB 20 ----- 20
G1 2 4/8 ----- 3 1/8
G2 3 7/8----- 5
G3 7 4/8 ----- 7 4/8
G4 5 7/8 ----- 3 4/8
H1 4 4/8----- 4 6/8
H2 4 1/8 ----- 4
H3 4 ----- 4
H4 3 6/8----- 3 7/8
Inside spread 16 6/8

I heard two bucks fighting close by, had a doe run under the stand, figured a buck would be on her tail. This guy was following, hit the open shooting lane at 10 yards. I thought I smoked him. Shot at 8:30 am Friday, Nov. 3rd, again at 1:45 pm and again at 2 pm Friday. :eek: It seemed like miles of trailing; crawling through the nastiest cover, and crossing a creek twice. I think I bled almost as much as the buck due to multiflora rose.

The first shot had him quartering away, presenting his left side. Arrow entered a little behind the ribcage, exited hitting the back of the offside front leg. It had to take out one lung. Kept pushing him because of the consistent blood trail.
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All scores that have been posted in the score thread have been entered if you don’t see your score please let me know. If you have deer to enter go ahead and enter them (teenagehunter, sligh1, iowabowhunt, daver, and the others I have seen)
All scores that have been posted in the score thread have been entered if you don’t see your score please let me know. If you have deer to enter go ahead and enter them (teenagehunter, sligh1, iowabowhunt, daver, and the others I have seen)

Curtis, the buck I posted was shot by my son, not me. I'm still deer less here in ioway. :) But hope to change that this weekend.
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