Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2024-25 Team Contest Score Thread(Teams):


Well-Known Member
Team 1: 587.25
1. Ishi-139.25
2. deep woods goat hunter-158.25 + 25*
3. bigbuckhunter88-149.875
4. CurtisWalker-114.875
5. lv2hntnfsh

Team 2: 256.75
1. 203ntyp-123.875
2. deerhunter93-132.875
3. TheMadCatter
4. Bowman
5. Buckhunter92

Team 3: 25
1. Spysar
2. Kkoppy-25
3. Entropyfx
4. Wi transplant
5. whitetailjunky

Team 4: 239
1. lunker99
2. Hardwood11-25*+ 146
3. Rut Nut
4. meyeri
5. sep0667-25

Team 5: 501
1. Snail3496-131
2. Jbohn
3. tracker-228.25
4. Daver
5. Hair&Scales- 141.75

Team 6: 341.375
1. chadw- 25*-144.75
2. Windlooker-25*+146.625
3. Sligh1
4. Buckscrape
5. Khughes2345

Team 7: 144.625
1. JNRBRONC-144.625
Last edited:
  • Deleted by Windlooker
  • Reason: Found answer
Okay I need to learn something, what are catch and release bucks? I am assuming they escaped from a deer farm, were caught, and released into the wild? But the idea of that is bonkers so I have to be wrong.
Okay I need to learn something, what are catch and release bucks? I am assuming they escaped from a deer farm, were caught, and released into the wild? But the idea of that is bonkers so I have to be wrong.
They're wild free-range deer, no deer farms here. Doing a disease testing program, my job is to catch them using a dart gun that shoots at a maximum of 30 yards, put GPS collars on them, gather biological samples, and reverse the drug which puts them back on their feet right where they went down.
They're wild free-range deer, no deer farms here. Doing a disease testing program, my job is to catch them using a dart gun that shoots at a maximum of 30 yards, put GPS collars on them, gather biological samples, and reverse the drug which puts them back on their feet right where they went down.
Whats up with the mask ? Part of the study ?
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