PMA Member
We are talking about opening up a whole can of worms here, just remember the law of unintended consequences . Bump stocks anyone?
( Are these banned yet? If not, I know guys that would think it was pretty cool to go full automatic on deer)
If everyone would just take out the old 30/06 and drop one calmly at 150 yards, rifles wouldn't be a problem. But we all know guys that will be lighting up the world at 50 mph out the window of the pickup firing at deer hundreds of yards away out of there combination ak57 Uzi radar laser triple barreled double scoped heat seeking AR
If everyone would just take out the old 30/06 and drop one calmly at 150 yards, rifles wouldn't be a problem. But we all know guys that will be lighting up the world at 50 mph out the window of the pickup firing at deer hundreds of yards away out of there combination ak57 Uzi radar laser triple barreled double scoped heat seeking AR