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A decade on iowawhitetail...

Limb Chicken you need to spill how your name came about. We need to know.

I heard it's because he shoots all his turkeys off of the roost with a light and then tells people that he called them in and what a master turkey caller he is. :moon: That's just what I heard though......... :D
I heard it's because he shoots all his turkeys off of the roost with a light and then tells people that he called them in and what a master turkey caller he is. :moon: That's just what I heard though......... :D

That could be true..... He proved this year he cant run them down:D
I joined when the sight was launched in 1997 ( I believe) I know I was in college at the time. There were different moderators at that time TLH and GAP. I believe the sight took different ownership a year or two later. I was member 10 at that time. I have gotten on the sight at least a couple times a week over the years. Now that I have the app on my phone its more like 5-10 times a day. The sight has been good to me over the last 14 years.
Thanks to everyone!

Sent from my Samsung Fascinate using IW
Limb Chicken said:
And, I won the hoot off... ;) I think OneCam is still questioning is decision he made when he rode to town with me the next morning... :D And muddy brought that growler swill from stone city brewery...

You sure you won that contest?

I remember when we caught muddy sleeping in one shoe!
That beer from stone city was awesome, and it was Bonker who bought and brought it.

Funny thing about the hoot off vman was you not being able to hardly stand, talk, or hold your cards properly.

One shoe, I'd forgotten about that. Sometimes the extra traction is required I suppose.
I'm certianly glad that Bowman encouraged me to check it out, join, and then become a PMA member a few years ago after he and I got back in touch! I've definitely met some great people (none in person yet) and contacts all over. I never hunted deer growing up in Iowa, although I probably helped butcher several guys' here (I know I did Bowman's before I even knew him) as they were always hanging in our garage. But I've sure learned a lot about hunting whitetail and gotten great tips/advice. I spend some time on Coueswhitetail.com every now and then and even though its local and geared towards the Coue's whitetail we have here, I spend way more time here.
muddy said:
Funny thing about the hoot off vman was you not being able to hardly stand, talk, or hold your cards properly..

Don't remember anything about that.
Limb Chicken said:
Yea, Matt and I took you guys to the woodshed in euchre that night... Everybody knows that gophers can't play cards though... LOL!

Is this one of those stories that gets blown out of proportion over time? Sounds like it to me.
Is this one of those stories that gets blown out of proportion over time? Sounds like it to me.

No Vickerman, you were totally worthless at cards about the time midnight rolled around. Your eyes got squintier with each passing minute/beer which I didn't think possible. If memory serves you had a headache and the decorations you left in the toilet were frowned upon by all in attendance. In true form you did rally that next night.

Didn't BigTimber "fall asleep" on an cooler of ice draped in a old piece of carpet and then wake up complaining how cold h was even though it was August?

I believe that was where the "south east Iowa stance" was also first made popular.
Wow, some great memories. Many people that I didn't know before joining here are now friends that I talk to regularly. Other memories that come to mind are Vman taking a swim while participating in the "shoot standing in a canoe, at night, to a target across the pond" shoot (I seriously thought you were crying Jason), Ghost singing "Bowman the muffin man" a few hours after the 5 am owl hooting contest (still tipsy), Fallguy's "yard gnom" photo made by LimbChicken, and the look on LimbChicken's face when he found that his freshly opened beer had been cleaned up with the other bottles at the IW booth at the classic! I have so many IW memories that I can't put themall in one post.

It has been a great ride and although some old regulars aren't here anymore, we've added many more quality members to fill the gaps.

I hope we're still doing this 20 years from now!!:way:
Yes, the "my beer got threw away" face was amusing. I'm surprised you didn't go blind from that look Wayne.
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