Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

A few pictures 12-08-06

I absolutely love your pictures. Every time you post them the lighting in the picture just totally makes them stand out. They are all great shots but I really like the coon and the deer behind the fence.
Great Photos, what type of camera do you use?

Thanks for sharing.

Up til now I thought you were just an average photographer with very nice equipment. But how you got that coon to grin is beyound me.......
Thats funny,I always thought grinners were possums'!

I wonder if that coon would bite you?..........Let me think about it..............I'm guessing yes!
The coon.
I saw him by a bailer. When I pulled into the field I expected him to run. Instead of running he came towards me. I am wondering if he maybe had rabies, because he wasn't acting like he should.
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