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Acorns to Oaks!

I have 40+ alba in some bags and they were big acorns too...in quart bags about 2-3 high. It's okay to stack as the acorn tap roots will all grow down in between the other acorns if need be.
Here is a quart bag with 44 large alba acorns in it. I'd say the top 1/3 is acorns with peat sprinkled around them. All are on their side so if they do sprout a tap root, it should be easy to plant them as they are all oriented the same way.

Okay guys. First time trying this... I read this entire thread but still unsure of myself. Do I put holes in the bags or leave them unzipped a little. I know the word is damp for the peat moss but it seems to take on a lot of water to get a hint of damp. I just used a spray bottle or should I just use the faucet? Thanks guys! It's been fun so far. Cant wait for march! What types and where do you get your tubes?


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Okay guys. First time trying this... I read this entire thread but still unsure of myself. Do I put holes in the bags or leave them unzipped a little. I know the word is damp for the peat moss but it seems to take on a lot of water to get a hint of damp. I just used a spray bottle or should I just use the faucet? Thanks guys! It's been fun so far. Cant wait for march! What types and where do you get your tubes?

I just put the peat in straight from the potting bag it came in. It was damp to the touch which was good enough for me. Punch holes in the bag for air exchange.
Looks just like my fridge. Careful, now you will be hooked on collecting acorns, planting them, caring for the trees, and this forum. Ha
ACCF American Chestnuts arrived today! They like wherever northern reds do well...have a couple great sites picked out already for them. They r going in the ground on Tuesday.

Really good sized too!

Punch holes in the bag for air exchange.

I have had problems with peat moss drying out and that causes mold, so I always zip mine up tight and have better success with that. I have also seen people store them in plain paper bags so I am not implying that one way is right or wrong...just sayin'....

In either event, check you acorns/chestnuts monthly thru the inter and make sure they are neither dried out nor molding. I suspect fridges are not all created equal and some may cause more or less evaporation (nine will dry the water out of a bowl in days) and temp can affect stored germination.

Each of you may wish to try some various storage options and then share what worked best for you....;)
Good points Paul,

I've never had problems with them drying out. The holes I poke I the bags r tiny, peat cannot even come out the bags.

Either way, it's best to monitor them and make sure they r staying moist.
Any one ever use these tree master tubes for starting oaks or rodent proofing fruit trees? there at menards. Thanks


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October 23rd, 2012

Hard to beat late fall for planting trees, especially the spring started Rootmaker grown seedlings. Started last March/April and grown in the Rootmaker cells all summer...it's time to get them in the ground! Easy to carry around in a bucket and unlike bare root seedlings these will stay in great shape even on a warm windy day...although I happened to plant on a cold rainy one...


Unlike almost any other container, the rootmaker cells are designed to air prune the roots and create very strong root systems, far better then any naturally grown tree.


I planted a mix of Timburr and hybrid Chinese chestnuts along with some burr oak seedlings, most going in to replace bare root seedlings that did not survive the previous year.


Make sure you cover the top of the soil medium used to grow the seedling as it will dry out to fast otherwise


I kept the areas weed free with herbicide applications of Oust, Prowl and Simazine applied this past spring...imperative not only for fast growth but to keep mice and rodents from killing seedings (even if tubed)


I have found it far more effective to plant fewer trees and use tubes then to mass plant and leave them to their own defenses, deer decimate seedlings and growth is often painfully slow. Be sure to put soil around the base of tube to seal it, keeping mice out and heat/moisture in


In this case we are trying to make best use of some Protex tubes but I would discourage anyone from buying these tubes! The Miracle tubes are far more effective, more rigid and less susceptible to damage by wildlife. These are so flimsy we need to stakes and duct tape and note one in background still kinked over


Everything from deer to mice to coons and coyotes literally tear these tubes apart!


Make sure when using these tubes that you put the end WITHOUT tab holes down...otherwise they are an invitation for mice to set up shop in the tube spelling doom for the seedling.


Miracle tubes don't have this problem and while nothing is foolproof, thus far the Miracle tubes have stayed standing and not been affected by wildlife other then hormone charged bucks on a rampage!

Big Rock Trees carries rootmaker cells and trays

The drought has led to a shortage of chestnut and oak seeds this year but some can be found on Ebay or by posting in the forum and checking with friends. Mowed ares such as parks, campus grounds etc are also great places to look for acorns.

Store them in the fridge, usually in dampened peat moss over the winter and get them started next spring :way:
How late can I plant my swamp whites that are in Root Makers right now? I have a few left to plant on a property that is a ways away. Can I wait until near Thanksgiving or should I get them there right away? If I do plant them right away, have you noticed any affect on the deer with the tree tubes popping up? They will be planted next to a small food plot.

Would you comment on the difference on trees started in rootmakers and the same tree planted at the same time in it's permanent home after ten years. I have heard that by then there is not much difference in the two trees.
Got quite a few trees growing already planning on planting early this spring so they have a good start! Had to just use some old random pots for some of the trees the rest are 1 gal rootmakers



These are conetainers I just started using this year, Got them from a dnr friend they seem to work good for starting the to transplant into the 1 gal rootmakers. I recommend them they work great for me and start pretty good root systems

Sorry some of the pics are sidways haha


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