I check several sites often times 3-4 times a week. I have never owned a property and it is a major goal of mine. I would like to own as much as possible, but realistically I will probably only be able to buy 60-100 acres. The 80 acre pieces are what really grab my attention and seem to be on the lookout for.
I don't know who on earth buys some of these properties listed on these site, must be a lot of well to do doctors/lawyers/investors.
I frequent whitetailproperties, landwatch, and landsofiowa. Occasinaly I will check mosseyoakproperties. There are a couple others that rarely seem to have something, but I can't even think of what they are. With landwatch and landsofiowa you will see a lot of the same listings. I can't seem to find any other sites that have a lot of listings.