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albino pheasant???

Buckmaster you should know it is against the law to kill an albino deer in Iowa. Is it better to kill an illegal deer because it is a once in a life time chance or to cherise the experience of seeing it and hoping someone else gets the same experience.

do u really think if someone else saw it they would pass it up so that another person could cherish the sight???? i mean i understand u by saying that but how many others would let something like that go?? are u telling me if u saw this pheasnat u would let it go. to be shot by someone else, cought by a fox oir even hit by a car?
Let's see if I can settle some common ground on this issue ref shooting the albino pheasant. Most of those who share this website have a common ground of being ethical hunters. I believe Bowhuntin fool's comments regarding he was not sure was taken out of context. We all at one time or another have taken a shot at what we thought was a rooster but was not sure. That is coming from someone who has shot at them for over 25 years. Have maybe only accidentally shot two hens in my lifetime. Bowhuntin fool stated he has since then identified it as a rooster. Shoot away!!! Whether it is albino or not has no bearing on whether anyone should consider it unethical better yet to be left alone for others to see. The only others to see will be pheasant hunters and I can guarantee if they identify it as a rooster the guns are blazin! A monster buck for most hunters is a once in a lifetime event. Odds are just as high in some areas as seeing one as seeing a albino pheasant. I don't think most hunters would stand there and look at a trophy as hope others might get to see it. Hopefully he will harvest it in a ethical manner and be proud of his accomplishment. He will also probly mount it! I consider myself as ethical as they come and I know that if I see a albino rooster my browning over and under will be sounding off.
Let's not argue about this issue is regards to whether you think its right or not. If you see one just don't shoot it if you feel that way. Good luck on harvesting that bird if he gives you another shot. Just curious -- Would you harvest a180 class albino buck if it were legal in the State you were hunting?
You kids need to grow up a bit. Its much wiser to identify and know exactly what you are shooting at as well as knowing the effective kill range of your weapon before pulling the trigger. For human safety reasons alone, thats incredibly important. I once read a poem that ended "for all the pheasants every bred, could not make up for one man dead". Second, if the bird is a legal target and you take a poor, long range shot at it and wound it, you have a much less chance at a successful recovery. Now, how much is that bird or deer worth to you if it flies or runs away, crawls under a pile of brush and dies where it can never be found?

Hopefully you boys can mature a bit and learn to respect the game you pursue, the great recreation of hunting, and your fellow hunters.
excuse me "YOU KIDS" how old r u 12? YOUR THE KID NOT US!!! go play with your barbie
Hey bowhuntinfool, keep going after that bird and I hope you bag him. Do yourself a favor and find a shorthair to help you bag that bird. Hey wisco kid, shut up your making me sick the kid will take care of himself.
C'mon guys....can't we leave the name calling and bickering somewhere else. Telling people to shut up and calling names gets you nowhere. This site is full of good people eager to share stories and advice...its not a site for personal attacks and being disrespectful. With that said....

Good luck and good hunting!

Curious... When I think of an albino deer or pheasant, I think of genetic degeneration.... Which means poor gene pool, less likly to live and die from causes natural, but not natural to the species in general. I don't think it was right in taking the long shot at the bird. But in the long run, It would be better off to remove unwanted genetics from herds or populations. Usually nature takes care of this by itself, but just a thought. Who said it was illegal to shoot an albino deer anyway, that's rediculous. It's a deer, same species as whitetail, it just some how is missing a particular gene that causes hair pigment to be scarce. Have you ever heard of cinnamon racoons, rare but they happen. Not likly to survive as regular colored coons which are black whick help them hide from predators and such. Just some thoughts.
Interesting though???
Just for the record, Shooter, the state of Iowa says it is illegal to take or attempt to take any white or predominatley white deer. Some of the other replies are correct this site should not be for crude or rude behavior, just the sharing of information and experience.
Let's try to live and hunt together.
Bowmaker. I hope I didn't come through to being rude or anything. I was just putting out some curiousity points of my own no intention at all. I really do find it hard to believe it's illegal to kill an albino deer. Just for curiousity and I'm probably wrong, but where does it says this. Your help would be greatly appreciated if You had a source of this info. that way we can clear the air. I have never had the chance or even seen an albino deer. I was just just refering to the genetic oddities that such abnormalities carry. I truly believe with the deer population increase we are going to see a greater amount of unwanted genetic traits occur unless a plague or predator starts properly harvesting the populations, and keep them in check. anymore were feednig providing supplumental habitat and food for the deer and making it easier for the deer to survive in harsh conditions. Look back years ago when the numbers were down. We didn't have the food plots and wiind break as we do now. trees forever.
just a question on the albino deer. is it abnormal besides its fur? i mean will it act diffrently or "abnormally" compared to other deer? And where is the taking of albino deer legal. i hunt any area where any albino obuck has been "spotted" by farmers supposedl and does this mean a doe he breeds with will have albino fawns?
I'll go play with a Barbie if you promise to read the Iowa Hunting regulations handbook from cover to cover AND look up the words that you don't know the meaning of in the dictionary.

K done i read it, and i didn't learn a darn thing i already knew bout everything in their HAPPY?
i'm pretty sure but if u ask blind sow i think it is illegal to shoot a white deer or a albino in iowa
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