I've had two intended all day sits end early with a dead deer late morning.... 10:30-11:00ish. If that counts. Those two were Nov 10th and Nov 17th. Buck on the 10th I blind rattled and he came running in to 10 yards. It had been a couple hours since I'd seen a deer until then. The buck on the 17th I killed basically right in a known bedding area. He came cruising through looking for a doe late morning. Same deal, I hadn't seen a deer in a couple hours until he came through. Thinking back, I know last year I had my #1 skirt me just before 1:00 pm. November sometime, can't remember for sure. So it's definitely paid off for me to be there after the typical "prime time" earlier in the morning.
It's hard to do, even harder when it's cold. It's hard to stay alert. It can be a slog.... seems like you can go stretches without seeing much of anything and you question why you're even there. Why not crawl down and go get a hot lunch? But when it happens it seems to happen all of a sudden. Worth it in my opinion if you can stand to hang in there that long.