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An Alternative Choice for Hunters and Rural Iowans


Active Member
I've debated posting this on the forum, and if it is not allowed, the admin can certainly remove the post. To warn everyone, it will be a somewhat long post but one I feel is important. I repeatedly hear the theme of going on the offensive instead of playing defense. I wonder, instead of fighting with politicians who don't share our love for hunting or other values, why don't we elect ones who align with our passions?

Well, my wife, Nicole Loew, is running for Iowa State Senate in District 12 against Amy Sinclair. District 12 encompasses the following counties in Iowa: Lucas, Wayne, Decatur, Clarke, Madison, Adair, and parts of Union, Dallas, and Appanoose counties. I wanted to take an opportunity to introduce her and give people a chance to reach out to her with their concerns. She has also offered to attend a central event where people could come and talk with her personally if they would be so inclined to do so. The first question I will answer for everyone, which I believe is the wrong question to start with, is which party she is running. She is running as a rural democrat. I believe the integrity and the character of the individual matters more than the letter behind their name. She could have done the easy thing and ran as a Republican, but she could not agree with some policies they are championing, including increasing taxes, defunding public schools and local AEA programs, eminent domain abuse by private companies, and taking away local control. Her stance as a rural democrat is to promote fiscally responsible practices and represent rural people's values/needs instead of special interests. She aims to put people before politics and parties and give people back their voices, which are currently being ignored in our district. As an Independent, I believe we can have good representatives from both Republicans and Democrats, but we must take the time to get to know the person we are voting for. I hope you will agree after reading below about Nicole.

Nicole grew up on an intergenerational dairy farm in NW Wisconsin. She saw the financial, emotional, and physical stresses this life brought about for her family and got to witness all of the farm's cows and equipment being sold off to the highest bidder; A day she describes as one of the worst in her life. She continued to see all of her family, friends, and neighbors sell their farms until there was mainly nothing left but abandoned barns in her neighborhood. A neighborhood that was once filled with dairy cows and represented the proud dairy state of Wisconsin. They could no longer compete with the large corporate dairy farms. She also witnessed firsthand her Dad's struggle with alcoholism while working 2 jobs trying to support his family and way of life until this addiction led to his death by suicide. I have also lost a Grandfather to suicide, so mental health struggles is something she was unwillingly forced to endure and feels very strongly about addressing.

She has a PhD in Nursing from the University of Iowa. We have 3 young children, and she has followed me around when I was in the Air Force. She has worked for the VA completing a post-doctoral fellowship program in quality improvement research. To say she understands research, evidence, and how to identify and solve actual problems is an understatement. She enjoys camping, hunting, fishing, and hiking. We enjoy visiting US national parks, and her goal is to see them all. She appreciates the natural beauty this country has been blessed with. We live in Iowa because of my passion for deer hunting, and for those who use scare tactics to say all Democrats want to take away all guns, I think you would have a very hard time taking away her bubble gum pink rifle she received as a gift from her Dad prior to his passing for graduating nursing school. Our family is also a proud member of the IBA. I can personally assure you, she will not support any legislation that harms public land, forestland, or our children's ability to hunt high quality whitetail deer.

I personally don't think we could hope for a better representative than her. Her passion is rural people, and she cares immensely about these people because it is the core of who she is. Rural people have been and always will be her family, friends, and neighbors. She cares about how today's decisions will impact our children's health and financial well-being for generations to come. She doesn't claim to have the answers to all of our problems, because she knows that people who experience the problem first hand are best poised to create solutions. She also knows that by listening to her constituents, she can find the answer from those who have the expertise in their field. Please don't take my word for it. I encourage you to reach out to her or again if there's enough interest in an event she would love to attend. Her website is www.loewforiowa.com. After talking with her and if you agree with me that she is someone you could support you can show this support by talking with your neighbors/friends, putting up a free yard sign, and/or possibly donating to her campaign if you feel so compelled to do so. You can learn more about her and request a sign on her website www.loewforiowa.com. I know she will be one of the good ones who can work with any party to find the solutions Iowans need. Do whatever you want at the presidential and federal levels on your voting ticket, but please get to know the people at the state/local level who impact our lives even more before blindly voting for a specific party. Good people make the party better, not the other way around.
No thoughts or opinions are censored here. I’ll read through this all soon. She’s got a sign up from one of my neighbors & I actually read though the website after seeing it. Really good.
I believe you when you say she won't support legislation that harms public land or your children's ability to hunt, unfortunately, she would be on the same team that supports some of the real insane policies that the democrat party is pushing. I would never vote for someone that supports the democrat party of today
I’m not from Iowa so I can’t vote either way. A Democrat that does not follow Biden/Schumer/Pocahantas/AOC etc.. would be refreshing !

Securing the border, America First not Ukraine, tax cuts, respect for farmers and the oil industry, not allowing guys to beat women in sports, tough on crime — it would all be nice to see. Personally I’ve never seen a Democrat take that stance.

That’s advice I’d share with you if you want to win in Red Iowa !
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I believe you when you say she won't support legislation that harms public land or your children's ability to hunt, unfortunately, she would be on the same team that supports some of the real insane policies that the democrat party is pushing. I would never vote for someone that supports the democrat party of today
I appreciate the response. May i ask what crazy policies are you seeing at a state level? I can understand your point at the federal level.
Party: Democratic Party

Sorry W_O, that's a non starter for me and most of us here.
I always find it funny this is often the first question people ask. She could literally be the same person but put an "R" behind her name and all of the sudden people support her and listen. Maybe that says more about the other person than it does the candidate (goes for each party affiliation). Some republicans who have taken the time to listen have told her she sounds like more of a republican than a democrat. I know the media wants to paint each side as crazy but not everyone on each side is crazy. Believe it or not there are good people on each side who want the same things for our country and kids that don't align with the fringe of their party. Most of the complaining I'm hearing are federal issues. We need to be able to separate federal vs state policy in terms of who impacts those issues. Skip has often mentioned how his taxes have doubled. We complain all the time on here about hunting bills at the capital. Look at who has controlled the state the past 8 years in the house, senate and governor. Maybe we should be asking if our state representatives are working in our best interests or their special interests best interests
I’m not from Iowa so I can’t vote either way. A Democrat that does not follow Biden/Schumer/Pocahantas/AOC etc.. would be refreshing !

Securing the border, America First not Ukraine, tax cuts, respect for farmers and the oil industry, not allowing guys to beat women in sports, tough on crime — it would all be nice to see. Personally I’ve never seen a Democrat take that stance.

That’s advice I’d share with you if you want to win in Red Iowa !
Appreciate the response and your engagement in the issues facing our country. Almost all of your listed issues are federal policy issues that impact states. The state issues you speak of (respect for farmers, tax cuts) I'm not seeing where I'm at
Iowa ranks at the bottom for OB/GYNs and psychiatrists per capita. We are one of the few states with a disproportionately rising rate of cancer and infant mortality. Most of the district I'm referring to is a maternity health desert meaning there is no where close to deliver babies. Our Healthcare policies are not helping rural people in this state.

My current representative raised 32k last filing period and only $300 of that was from individuals. With the rest being PAC money am I supposed to believe big money is not impacting her decisions? What incentive does she have to fix our broken insurance companies when she gets money from Welmark?

My current representative defended a bill written by Bayer that stripped Iowans of their ability to hold them accountable for causing cancer because you guessed it they funded her campaign.

She did not engage with any superintendents or did not listen to them when she passed the AEA legislation. They also didn't listen to Iowans when they passed the school voucher bill that effectively increased my local taxes by underfunding my kids local public schools. My local tax money goes elsewhere in the state to fund someone else's education and I get to pay more for my kids. Higher taxes=republican values. That's not what I was ever told in school. These bills were pushed by outside special interests and will hurt the state overall.

State Republicans cut 111 board and commissions and sent this power to the governor and state legislators. That's not smaller govt and local control. According to my local paper my current representative doesn't even belong to a church yet it's about freedom, faith and small government. I'm sorry but I'm not seeing this at my local level.

Although this comes off as anti-republican I'm not. I have and will continue to support good candidates on both sides. I understand there are terrible policies at the federal level being pushed by Dems. I don't care nor does my wife if you support Trump in the general election. She understands the disenfranchisment in this country but if we are not going to try to understand the person we are voting for and understand how big money is running our politicians we will never beat the system. If you are in district 12 all I'm asking is to listen before just seeing democrat and shutting down. Vote for the person who's most representative of your views and reach out to her if you have questions you need answered prior to voting. I wish all well and prosperity for this country.
Appreciate the response and your engagement in the issues facing our country. Almost all of your listed issues are federal policy issues that impact states. The state issues you speak of (respect for farmers, tax cuts) I'm not seeing where I'm at

The problem is I’ve seen this happen in Minnesota. Democrats all vote to together no matter what !

In our state we just had a budget passed that’s 1/3 higher than it ever has been ! Taxes increased as a result .

Abortion to the day before birth ? The Democrats also tried to give one of the best fishing lakes (Red Lake) to the Native Americans—making it off limits to Minnesotans and actually NR fisherman. Luckily the Republicans stopped that !

The climate change push has oil companies in lawsuits in Minnesota, as they push electric. This of course upsets farmers who need gasoline & oil forever . Electric combines ? I doubt it . Fake meat pushed by the Democratic Party absolutely a non starter for beef guys— who would vote for that ?

Honestly I know hundreds of farmers through my business and several have given up on the Democratic Party . It’s 85% Republican in my county, probably higher .

I’d guess Iowa is similar percentage amongst farmers.

I’m just passing on facts. My local state rep is a client of mine and we discuss these issues quite often and he’s pulling his hair out on liberal dominance in Minnesota.
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The problem is I’ve seen this happen in Minnesota. Democrats all vote to together no matter what !

In our state we just had a budget passed that’s 1/3 higher than it ever has been ! Taxes increased as a result .

Abortion to the day before birth ? The Democrats also tried to give one of the best fishing lakes (Red Lake) to the Native Americans—making it off limits to Minnesotans and actually NR fisherman. Luckily the Republicans stopped that !

The climate change push has oil companies in lawsuits in Minnesota, as they push electric. This of course upsets farmers who need gasoline & oil forever . Electric combines ? I doubt it . Fake meat pushed by the Democratic Party absolutely a non starter for beef guys— who would vote for that ?

Honestly I know hundreds of farmers through my business and several have given up on the Democratic Party . It’s 85% Republican in my county, probably higher .

I’d guess Iowa is similar percentage amongst farmers.

I’m just passing on facts. My local state rep is a client of mine and we discuss these issues quite often and he’s pulling his hair out on liberal dominance in Minnesota.
I can completely sympathize and understand your frustration on those issues. Straight line party votes can't represent the people. This is the problem I have with the two party system. It forces everyone in a party to band together and puts the interests of the party and the special interests they serve in front of the constituents they are supposed to represent. This divides the country and doesn't have us working together. My wife understands she has Republicans she must represent and can't just blindly follow the best interests of the party over her people otherwise she won't serve them for long.

I think it would be great not to have parties and then people would have to vote on a person's merit. Problem is some voters don't want to take the time to listen to their options and big money couldn't easily control each party the way they want. Also think term limits should apply. My wife was actually told your not a targeted race for the party because they didn't think she could win. She asked what rural races were targeted and there wasn't any. It was frustrating to hear the dems seemed to have given up on rural people but instead of giving up it has motivated her more. She has been trying to tell them rural interests and urban interests are different and she remains determined to help them see how to better serve rural people. We grew up rural and still prefer rural areas but we don't want people to be taken advantage of because a party doesn't want to put in the time to hear what rural people want/need.

As far as the oil debate I agree there is no better fuel currently and none of the "green" options are as good as advertised and many options still take fossil fuels to power the electricity. However regardless of whether you believe in global warming there is only so much fossil fuels. For a future generation they will run out and we need to keep working on other options and I don't want to see big oil stop progress to finding this alternative source. Currently yes fossil fuels are king and I have family who work on the pipelines but for a future generation something else will be needed. I also completely agree on real beef. I tried one of those non meat "burgers" once and it was the last time. Just terrible. I'll be getting another cow from my local farmer friend this fall. I appreciate your perspective on this and my wife's brother lives up by LOTW so we love the fishing your state offers.
Here’s the part of our system that’s troubling…. U know - the ONE PARTY SYSTEM! Which is actually a UNIPARTY…. BUT…. We can call it 2 party at state level I suppose ….
Because there’s a D behind the name- the race is more difficult for her. I’ve met her & discussed the issues. If she had an R behind her name… she’d win in a landslide. If it’s a choice between the 2 on merits- I’m extremely impressed.
2 party system is broken. It’s establishment vs outsiders at this point.
It’s a shame what Briben & the D fools are doing at a federal level!!!! For state politics… very different game. I’ll work with both sides & honestly, for first time in my life, would vote D at a state level. It’ll be rare & a very case by case basis but considering how bad SOME R’s are… we have to be open to it. Listen to both sides & vote on the issues. I will never say the same on a federal level. The Vegetable & corrupt commies need to go!!!!
TRUMP / LOEW ‘24 ;)
How many guys on here remember the President Carter days or was alive at that time??
There was a so called gas shortage and I remember when dad could only buy so many gallons at a time and gas lines! The green tards at that time were screaming we’re going to run out of oil and that was in the late 70s!
The earth will always produce oil plain and simple
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whitetail obsession- I read the Iowa democrat party platform, it pretty much mirrors the crazy crap that the DNC is supporting. your wife would be on that team and because of that I would never vote for a democrat, no matter how nice they are. what major republican issues is she opposed to?
Will your wife be voting for Biden or Trump?
She remains undecided at this time and isn't thrilled about either choice. Like myself she's currently leaning RFK because we both think he might be the one to care the most about the people and want to fix the broken system. He's the only one that doesn't have to answer to his "party." Both sides are trying to paint him as extreme on the other side but if elected which side controls him because he doesn't answer to either party because the party didn't support him but the people would have. This makes him extremely dangerous to the status quo and the reason both sides will try to destroy him. Both sides want assurances he will not be on the CNN debate when he should be. Makes me wonder what they're scared of if he's so crazy. I think he can be the disruptor people wanted when they voted for Trump in 2016
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whitetail obsession- I read the Iowa democrat party platform, it pretty much mirrors the crazy crap that the DNC is supporting. your wife would be on that team and because of that I would never vote for a democrat, no matter how nice they are. what major republican issues is she opposed to?
The biggest things that sparked her to run was the attacks on our public schools, loss of local control and increased taxes in our area. I understand many of these are republican ideals but the votes are speaking louder than their words. We are seeing our rural communities shrink and small businesses fail. She would like to see small family farms be able to survive instead of large corporate farms being the only ones to survive. She will always put people first. If she could have run independent and had a chance to win she probably would have. She got her PhD because she wanted to give back to the rural people who inspired her. For what it's worth her own party said she's not left enough or doesn't dress like she should. I understand why people would be hesitant to support someone on the "other" side and it's easy for me to support her because I know the person she is. If she loses it will be the people who have lost not the parties or special interests.
Here’s the part of our system that’s troubling…. U know - the ONE PARTY SYSTEM! Which is actually a UNIPARTY…. BUT…. We can call it 2 party at state level I suppose ….
Because there’s a D behind the name- the race is more difficult for her. I’ve met her & discussed the issues. If she had an R behind her name… she’d win in a landslide. If it’s a choice between the 2 on merits- I’m extremely impressed.
2 party system is broken. It’s establishment vs outsiders at this point.
It’s a shame what Briben & the D fools are doing at a federal level!!!! For state politics… very different game. I’ll work with both sides & honestly, for first time in my life, would vote D at a state level. It’ll be rare & a very case by case basis but considering how bad SOME R’s are… we have to be open to it. Listen to both sides & vote on the issues. I will never say the same on a federal level. The Vegetable & corrupt commies need to go!!!!
TRUMP / LOEW ‘24 ;)
Thanks Skip. Her brothers and many in my family are Trump supporters. If people met her I think they'd agree she's not crazy like she'll get painted and they won't hate her even if they don't vote for her. I'm not so sure she would win in a landslide against the incumbent if she had run republican because the incumbent will do whatever our governor wants and would get her endorsement. I don't want yes people in government. I want people that ask questions, listen to their constituents and do what's best for them instead of their party or special interests. I realize that type of person isn't popular in the political circles however.
Maybe that says more about the other person than it does the candidate (goes for each party affiliation).
I've voted for Democrats before in the past, that I was convinced were 'conservative', and I have been so disappointed that I will NEVER vote for another one. (Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.) If she's so conservative that she could have a R behind the name, then I suggest she makes the change.
I've voted for Democrats before in the past, that I was convinced were 'conservative', and I have been so disappointed that I will NEVER vote for another one. (Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.) If she's so conservative that she could have a R behind the name, then I suggest she makes the change.
I'm sorry you've had those experiences. I've never had a politician who I've agreed with 100% and never expect to find one unless I ran which I would never consider. On the federal level I definitely agree Republicans have the right track. What I'm seeing though on a local level is not helping my kids or community. My taxes have went up and money meant for my local schools are going outside my county. I'm afraid my school won't have resources to support kids in my area with learning disabilities and I don't have a private school option. I worry my legislator is bought and paid for and has not listened to our voices. We'll have to agree to disagree but I can't stand for those things and I know our state legislators are not the ones in charge of Ukraine, the border and fixing the broken departments that are supposed to help its citizens. Just remember if you're upset with a state issue look at who is representing you and what they're voting record is not what they're saying.
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