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Aplington-Parkersburg Football Coach Shot, Killed


The Hunt Never Ends....
What is this world coming too? My brother is an assistant coach at Aplington Parkersburg and called me earlier this morning to tell me what had happened. It's one of the first mornings my brother didn't go to weights (due to someone calling in sick to his other job). He is pretty tore up about it. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this....

Unbelieveable. No words to descibe it other than completely awful.

Has anything been released as to why the shooter did it? A former player even - what in the heck.
Things like this are just so sad and make no sesne at all??:confused:

?? I can't even fathom this...

My wife and I are having a pretty hard time with this. We've been praying for his boys and just the whole situation. No words can describe this as we are both from the same conference A-P was in. I am in the same grade as Ed's son Aaron (but from different schools) and we won a state championship AAU tournament together over the course of a summer...I got to know Ed first then.

We went to college with his other son Todd. They are all tremendous people and a family who has built their foundation upon faith...

There are several articles and biography information on different websites including: KWWL, KCRG, Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier, The Gazette, and even ESPN. He was the national coach of the year in 2005 for HS football...

This just tears me up - no words to say other than it just doesn't make sense...
Wow, what a BAD deal!

I do not know the man or his family, but simply judging by the son's press conference and the way he handled himself in a very tough time gives plenty of evidence as to the man that his father was if you ask me. Also, many, many people in the community apparently held him in high regard. Sad day, it chokes me up to even think about it.

I did appreciate hearing that the Thomas family and others in the community too were showing support to the family of the man that took his life. THAT shows some serious maturity and forgiveness. My prayers are with all involved too, it sure seems clear that Ed Thomas was a GREAT man on many levels.
Back in the day...when in HS,I came from a powerful football program. We always knew in order to win a State Championship we would most likely have to beat A-P.Thats exactly how it played out 2 of my 3 years. Coach Thomas was nothing but gracious,complimentary and just an outstanding coach and person.
I had many friends in college from AP. They were good people mostly because they were coached by Coach Thomas.

I got my coaching certificate mainly due to Coach Thomas' help and guidance.

If I could stop crying...I'd write more about how much we all lost a great person today.
I personally wish they would publically hang the guy who did this!


Thoughts and prayers sent to the family
I heard something on the news about this suspect leading the police on a high speed chase last weekend and the police were supposed to take him to be mentally evaluated, but instead was just released.
I read a statement one of his fromer players made...Heaven just got one helluva football coach, and an even better man. I think that all who new him probably feels the same way. A first class man, on and off the field. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families.
My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. Horrible tragedy. Being a Packer fan we got to hear thoughts from Aaron Kampmann from the Packers who played for him and what an influence this man was on him. Not about playing football but about being a good person, Father and Husband and a man of God. Those are the lessons that should be taught and you can tell it by watching and listening to Aaron Kampmann. He will be missed.
I heard something on the news about this suspect leading the police on a high speed chase last weekend and the police were supposed to take him to be mentally evaluated, but instead was just released.

Let me clairify, the part that I am saying in NOT true is

"the police were supposed to take him to be mentally evaluated, but instead was just released"

The police did not release him. That was the point I was trying to make.

Sad situation all the way around.
As if that community hadn't dealt with enough....something like this comes along. Prayers sent out to his family and community.
I am from a local community around that area. This year I was a senior and I remember when we saw A-P on our schedule we knew we had a hard road infront of us. Well we went down there and that field which is Ed Thomas Field was the best high school football field I had ever seen let alone a year after a tornado rolled over it. This is a big thing and all prayers to the Thomas family. They said after every friday night game he would call all 5 pro football players and talk to each one. That shows you how good of a coach the man was. I am proud to say I shook that very mans hand after what a successful life he had and only to know what could've been more.
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