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Apple/Pear Trees



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Thanks for those charts! Helpful info. SB3, I did mine very similar to yours. I'm planting pears the past couple yrs, and this yr I put in some Goldrush, Enterprise and Querina. I really want to stick with the more disease resistant trees going forward. I feel like Enterprise might be the best fit for a Nov dropping tree with good qualities.

Always read all the post about double staking your trees this and that huh huh .. LOL , I get to one of my plots this year there is baskets and tree tubes every where apple trees raked clean.. I get it now guys.. :) Had me hot for a minute until I started laughing at my self I say Iowa Whitetail forum :) I have to learn the hard way sometimes... I was being cheap and used rebar stakes I was cutting and making .. Not again..HA HA HA
Ha! Been there. Learned a million lessons the hard way. Why we have forum and folks who made mistakes can help others not to repeat em. :).
Hey Guys!

Going to bite the bullet and invest in some trees this season! Boy am I getting a headache thinking about which varieties to get.... I have a lot of room on the farm for the trees.... The main plot is going to be .6 acres or so on a south facing slope on the north side of it. Its in a fabulous location where deer will be all over it. I am beginning my planning now... i figure ill have room for approx. 60 trees or so. I would like a little of everything pears, apples, chestnuts, persimmon etc. I'm lucky to have all sorts of places to plant these other than the .6 acres so if you guys could help me out on deciding which ones to get that would be awesome!

Note: I may / may not be from Iowa. Hope that isn't required. lol
Note #2 I will be hunting the iowa ML season starting the 19th of this month in Appanoose County (near exline) If anyone has time to show me some awesome deer habitat i'd love to meet with ya if you're close one morning!

Thanks - Jon M.
Go get em!!!
Few to throw at u.....,
Apple, emla-111 rootstock....
Give u a touch of a start BUT see above & pages back for what works with goals but.... Arkansas black maybe my #1. Liberty, enterprise, empire, goldrush, king David, Yates, freedom be some more examples I would consider. Im also good about 2 easy and fast fungicide applications like myclobutinal (rally 40 brand Name) & some others which make cedar rust basically a non issue. But- many folks do prefer to steer away from cedar rust susceptible varieties even though it’s easy to deal with and id rather deal with that vs Blight for example

Pear: kieffer #1. Seckel, Olympic (korean), etc etc. see above.
Crabapple: if u wanna stay simple: dolgo
Chestnut- Chinese. Unless u wanna go American or Do a hybrid. Otherwise- for deer - Chinese is top and blight resistant and cheaper (& better imo) than dunstan

American persimmon. Dwarf chinkapin oak.
Game over.
Protect trees!!!!
Put Apple & pear on high open ground - far from trees if possible so wind can dry em out & don’t sit in low spots.
Good luck.
How much Sunlight do these require? My ideal spot in the above image is about 45 yards wide with some mature trees nearby on the woodline. Hate to do all this clearing and work to realize its not going to work out. HA
As Much as possible. ;). Lil shade be ok I’m sure. More open the better and get em far enough from trees so not competing with old trees root systems.

Example of one on me. Can see some trees somewhat close. I had to fix this tree.... some “knuckleheads” planted it ;). Put it in a bottom where it was wet (needs higher, good quality well drained soil) & used corrugated tubing which I took off and replaced with screen. One more year and mice woulda had it dead or the wet area would have got it too. I took a huge spade and moved this out of the bottom wet soil and put it high on well drained soil. Repeated 25 times to move all trees. Some nameless guy who didn’t know any better put these there the year before I bought this portion of farm. All fixed now.

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One apple that tends to be overlooked is common wild apple. They grow very fast and branch out really wide and thick. Nice size apple for wildlife (not meant for apple pies etc...)Good alternative and you can buy them plugs ($3) each from University of Idaho. I have about 90% survival in MN... I would guess they would do well in Iowa (you can tube them, and then cut back the tube as they grow...cage later)
Here's a question for ya'll. How you handling pruning once the trees get past where you can reach? Hauling a ladder around seems like a pain in the ass but may be necessary. I will be to that point next year on lots of trees.
Here's a question for ya'll. How you handling pruning once the trees get past where you can reach? Hauling a ladder around seems like a pain in the ass but may be necessary. I will be to that point next year on lots of trees.

Would a pole saw reach? I always try to keep our trees smaller, easier to pick and still produce a ton of fruit.
When do you guys start pruning your trees? Wait until they start setting apples or start shaping it sooner?

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