Are the deer moving in this wind?


The Hunt Never Ends....
Just curious, I didn't hunt last night, so those of you who did it go? Did you see much? Contemplating on going out tonight, but man it's windy out. Anyone see anything last night?
Haven't been out since sunday. Don't know if the wind had much effect. Can't wait to get out tomorrow though. Low of 25 they're calling for here, but, looks like it will still be pretty breezy.
I saw some small ones chasing on Sunday but haven't made it out since then because of work. On the way home from work yesterday I had a mature 10 pointer cruise in front of me on a county road, and this was at 5:15. I think this cold weather will have the big ones moving. I took Friday off and plan on putting some time in first thing in the morning.
Didn't hunt last night but on the way home from work I saw 3 bucks chasing a doe and about a mile down the road saw another 2 bucks sniffin around a doe.
the deer are moving..... strap in and hang on, things should be good tonight.

headed out here shortly!

No first hand experience but have heard from some others locally that things have been picking up some. I am going out in the AM into a bedding flat and plan on doing some rattling so I will try to give a status report sometime after lunch tomorrow.
I saw 11 buck yesterday,5 in the morning and 6 in the evening.Only one was a possible shooter but he never got closer than 50 yards.The 6 I saw in the evening were 2 different groups of 3.I saw no does in either sitting.The wind is just what we needed to get rid of a lot of leaves.I could see 100 yards in the evening in direstions I could only see 30 yards in the morning.
Way back when I was always under the impression that deer hunting in a strong wind was a waste of time...probably because I think every magazine writer there was wrote that all the time!

But not knowing any better, I went hunting anyway and found that some deer never got around to reading those same magazines. :D

I have had many very fine deer hunts with very windy conditions, I suspect that the cooler temperatures combined with the fast approaching November days would lead to good hunting.

The only caveat I would add is that if it is too windy then it can be dangerous out there, so be careful in your tree stands. Several years ago I was in a stand and after hearing/seeing about 6 or 7 trees literally fall to the forest floor it dawned on me that the next one could be coming my way! The thought of being belted to a tree about 25' up while another is coming towards me scared me enough I decided to get down...immediately! In my haste, I literally threw my backpack to the ground, which happened to land about 15' from about 6 or 7 deer that I hadn't seen come in. Well I paused long enough to shoot one of them and then climbed down real quick.

It had been raining a lot too in front of the strong wind and just about every susceptible tree was waterlogged and being hit hard by the wind and they were falling everywhere. So as long as no trees are falling and you don't mind a little bit of a seasick feeling :grin:, get out there!! The time is right.
i hunted last night, tuesday night, and never saw a deer. was in a prety decent spot with good sign but saw nothing.
Had 2 does step out to the bean field last night. They were a little too far out to pull the trigger and I'm trying to convince myself to wait for the buck I've been seeing. Had a little coyote come to the field right as the does were walking back into the timber. Blew an arrow threw him at about 10 yards.

They didn't hit the bean field this morning. Must of been up in the cut corn. Although I did see some action in the draw behind me. Had 2 small bucks come to my can call and later in the morning a doe was running around the draw. She ran down the draw pretty fast and I was 99% sure she was going to have a buck behind her. But, she didn't. I'm guessing she was in heat? Acted pretty weird.

Hopefully I get a shot at Greenhorn tonight.
Had an encounter with a dandy 3-1/2 year old today in a bedding flat. He was scent checking the downwind side of the flat at 11:00 AM. Unfortunately I had just hit the dirt when I saw him coming. I guess he learned something today :(
Had a big 150 class 10 this morning come cruising through at 9:28. Was set-up perfectly but with the wind my loudest grunt still went unheard. He definitely had love on his mind but it was nice to see the more mature deer on their feet. Also had two fawns and a their momma come in so they haven't been kicked out yet-at least that little group.
Guy at work shot a 150-60ish 10 last night! Hunting a bottom out of the wind! Also had a big 8 cruise by and look at the downed 10! :way::way:
Tonight was pretty crazy I'm sure we will be hearing about some big ones killed tonight and in the morning.

I was covered in does at 530. Had 2 button bucks under me licking my ladder. Stared at me for 45 minutes. Seen 2 bucks chasing a doe in the field about 150 yards away. Couldn't move to get my binos or grunt call because the 2 little guys were locked on me. Frustrating.
Great activity tonight ... two different younger bucks chasing does, the smaller of which was grunting non-stop. The morning should be excellent with the cold temps and light wind.

The woods were rockin tonight, had a 140" at 35 yards that never gave me a shot. And bucks trailing does all over the place.