I've looked into those. After doing some research sounds like the 4strokes can be a real pain in the ass with leaks and what not. Price wise, the Stikemaster chipper looks interesting, but I'm wary of all the plastic the stikemasters use. I don't need top of the line, but not looking for a POS. So many options....LOL.
Any advice on a flasher too? I used to have a Vex FL-18 but not sure if I want to spend that money again. I want something similar with the bottom zoom feature.
Thanks Hillwalker. I wasn't sure if the LX3 had the zoom or not. That's an awesome feature to have. I'll probably go that route unless someone sells me hard on the hummingbird flashers.
My father has the jiffy pro 4. We drilled over 100 holes last year on a 1 lb tank. The lites have a lot of plastic I would be cautious of that. But propane is the way to go.