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Biggest Ever.......

The spread of the brows make him look like another buck thats sorta famous /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

Six pointers that big in my area are rarely seen, nice deer. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


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Iowa's number one resource for the whitetail deer.
I got pretty excited to open this post and have a peak coming from you and the title being "Biggest Ever".....then as my slow a$$ home computer started painting the picture I thought it would be a trophy skunk or something.

Unique brow tine spacing for sure.

DOR...what is the story on that buck picture you posted? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sleep.gif
A few years ago down at the Deer Classic there was a 6pt that went 137"...that was impressive
Ghost, that buck that dor posted would be the world famous rompla buck. Notice the ears and tine coloring, supposedly a fake. If you search Google for Rompla buck there are hundreds of conspiracy theories out there on it. If it is real its a monster and a world record.
Yeah, I know all about it...more than I want to know.

I was trying to be extremely sarcastic... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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