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Boone County Trespasser


Well-Known Member
It's obvious that no one here knows this individual or has any usefull information that will help me identify him. For this reason, I'm removing the picture and my original post.
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Judging by the dog's posture, it knows they're up to no good. Certainly doesn't look like the happiest dog in the world, that's for sure.
It's the best I could come up with......................




Good luck.
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The dog's posture is one of the first things I noticed. Looks to me like he's been beaten and told not to stray too far. The last thing this guy wants is for his dog to run out in the open and into plain sight.
The dog's posture is one of the first things I noticed. Looks to me like he's been beaten and told not to stray too far. The last thing this guy wants is for his dog to run out in the open and into plain sight.

Or he is just sore from what happened to his poor little hole in the woods:grin: sicko trespassers!!!
Got the Carharts on, pack frame on his back, and binos around his neck.
Ready for a long day of tresspassing and violating.
And if he gets caught - can always claim he went in after his dog!
(unless its one of those shed finding dogs - then confiscate the dog instead of pressing charges)
Looks like a German Shorthair pup to me.......that would explain his demeanor and the fact that he's following in his owners footsteps instead of piling through the snow.....might help, might not.
Did you downsize the original pic to start with 180?? You could email the original to someone so they can cut out the guy/dog in paint and get a really good look at him.
I think we need a "Trespasser Hall of Shame" at the Iowa Deer Classic....at the rate were going we could fill a wall with trespasser pictures...:rolleyes:

Hope you find out who this guy is 180...;)
Looks like he is really equiped for a long day of shed hunting with the pack frame and all . That last picture is a lot better . Good luck identifying him .
My name is Matt, and I drive the blue Chevy who was at Hoskin's place on Saturday. And I have a black lab, not a scraggly looking mut in the this picture. Also I do not wear gay red scarfs like this tool,I am 22, and this guy looks like he is 40, Oh and most importantly,I Do NOT trespass. So Mr. 180, before you and Hoskins open your mouths, and make assumptions about me and my roomate, get your stories straight. This is a joke, I dont even hunt that area anymore. I did two years ago, but stopped b/c of all the idiots around there. If you want to start pointing fingers I have dirt on certain people in this conversation. Long refuge is not public hunting, and Mike Martin's land is NOT open to shed hunters. I do not need people bad mouthing me, my truck, and my Buddy. On a side note,we did stop at Hoskin's and we did talk to him about about my buddies deer head to see if he started it, and talked about the some of the hunters in the area and what not. The comment/questions about the pen raised deer was out of curiosity, not whatever your off the wall assumptions are.
We'd be more than glad to come show our faces, dog and ward robe to show you that this picture is Not any of us. And If you want talk to some of the farmers around there, they will tell you we have had permission to be on any of the ground we hunted in the past. If you assume you make and a$$ out of you and me.
My name is Matt, and I drive the blue Chevy who was at Hoskin's place on Saturday. And I have a black lab, not a scraggly looking mut in the this picture. Also I do not wear gay red scarfs like this tool,I am 22, and this guy looks like he is 40, Oh and most importantly,I Do NOT trespass. So Mr. 180, before you and Hoskins open your mouths, and make assumptions about me and my roomate, get your stories straight. This is a joke, I dont even hunt that area anymore. I did two years ago, but stopped b/c of all the idiots around there. If you want to start pointing fingers I have dirt on certain people in this conversation. Long refuge is not public hunting, and Mike Martin's land is NOT open to shed hunters. I do not need people bad mouthing me, my truck, and my Buddy. On a side note,we did stop at Hoskin's and we did talk to him about about my buddies deer head to see if he started it, and talked about the some of the hunters in the area and what not. The comment/questions about the pen raised deer was out of curiosity, not whatever your off the wall assumptions are.
We'd be more than glad to come show our faces, dog and ward robe to show you that this picture is Not any of us. And If you want talk to some of the farmers around there, they will tell you we have had permission to be on any of the ground we hunted in the past. If you assume you make and a$$ out of you and me.

WHOA settle down there dude all theposts in here are talking about the dude in the picture other then the original post, No one was assuming anything he was stating facts were you asking about the deer or not. You have already said you drive a blue truck. Simply say hey I'm not the dude in the picture and be done. There is no need to come in here threatening other people thats child's play. And where the heck was anyone talking crappy about you your buddy or your dog Grow Up. Oh and by the way its ok to be cautious if there are new people around asking questions. So get off your high horse and be a man not a boy!
My name is Matt, and I drive the blue Chevy who was at Hoskin's place on Saturday. And I have a black lab, not a scraggly looking mut in the this picture. Also I do not wear gay red scarfs like this tool,I am 22, and this guy looks like he is 40, Oh and most importantly,I Do NOT trespass. So Mr. 180, before you and Hoskins open your mouths, and make assumptions about me and my roomate, get your stories straight. This is a joke, I dont even hunt that area anymore. I did two years ago, but stopped b/c of all the idiots around there. If you want to start pointing fingers I have dirt on certain people in this conversation. Long refuge is not public hunting, and Mike Martin's land is NOT open to shed hunters. I do not need people bad mouthing me, my truck, and my Buddy. On a side note,we did stop at Hoskin's and we did talk to him about about my buddies deer head to see if he started it, and talked about the some of the hunters in the area and what not. The comment/questions about the pen raised deer was out of curiosity, not whatever your off the wall assumptions are.
We'd be more than glad to come show our faces, dog and ward robe to show you that this picture is Not any of us. And If you want talk to some of the farmers around there, they will tell you we have had permission to be on any of the ground we hunted in the past. If you assume you make and a$$ out of you and me.

Matt, I appologize for "pointing fingers". The information I posted came straight from Chris. I emailed him this picture yesterday and asked for his help since he knows alot of poeple in the area. He was only trying to give me some useful information in trying to ID this person. I'll tell you like I told your friend who sent me the PM. Whatever beef or "dirt" you have on someone is between you and them. I want no part of that. I'm only concerned with the illegal activity that is taking place on the property I hunt and help manage. If you have any information as to who the individual is in the picture, I would appreciate it.

I'm just curious why this was your first post? Do you just lurk?
Obviously whoever is in the picture is trespassing. There is no way to make that up.
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