Not really looking at a "fad" or "newest gig or set-up here".... this is actually just more basic physics I'm asking about. More poundage, heavier arrow - that's about the nuts & bolts of it. Can a shoulder be busted through? And, yes, 50 lbs, 70 lbs, 65, whatever, I just help too many guys track deer they hit "well" (not in bone) and get 8" of penetration with carbons and good broadheads, fixed of mechanical. I think the industry belief of "50 lbs is plenty for a silly little whitetail" is just WRONG unless you hit it money, which, heck, 30 lbs can do or a .22 long rifle. But, when you've hunted 20 years with a bow and helped 30 guys track deer they hit "well" and had 8" of penetration or less without sometimes hitting big bones, it's troubling. (Don't get me wrong, I've tracked many deer over 20 years, found most I just mentioned & compared to dead in 50 yards or less, it's a tiny amount - but I've seen a lot in 20 years and a lot of disappointment with penetration) Like i said, I got 8-10" and I hit at least 8" behind shoulder with 70 lbs at 15-20 yards. That's messed up.
SO, this isn't a "NEWEST GEAR" discussion, it's talking about 75-80 lbs (which is no problem for me, I'm a ripped, monstrous muscular miracle & freak of nature
*Basically visualize ARNOLD in his late 20's, maybe early 30's) - it's just saying.... More poundage, heavier arrow, which will probably equal about the same speed as my lower poundage bow with a lighter arrow & trajectory be similar.
Any opinion on what is better for arrows, arrows designed for busting through bone, penetration & strength (not just a fad)... FMJ by Easton VS HT-1 (Muddy or Bloodsport) or Victory VAP's seem to be the favs from most as a gold standard but one of the 3 has to be a better arrow I would imagine or have an edge (ups & downs to anything & each product I suppose). However you slice it, we're simply talking, at a mimimum of 3 strong, well designed arrows that are built well and should shoot great behind a lot of poundage (which factually will fly better in wind, less shock, quieter, etc). But, will it go through a shoulder and I think several have answered and I read it and super appreciate it!!!! My last 2 cents again, I think whitetails don't get NEAR the credit they deserve at how hard they are to kill and pass through, they just don't. Sure, a 1.5 year old doe in the lungs to guts hitting no bone of any type, sure, arrow will be buried 2' deep in ground. A 300 lbs buck & you catch some ribs or some bones of any type, sorry, I've seen so many with 2-10" of penetration out of "good set-ups" it's unreal.