Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bowhunters are SELFISH!

It's me again... this is fun!

Now for the last item that has been a thorn in my side...

I grew up in Humboldt County & started deer hunting at the age of 9 (1974) with my dad & his group of shotgun-deer hunters.

We hunted long & hard each day, but we seldom killed anything. Those days everyone was issued a buck-only tag except for the lucky few who drew a coveted any-sex tag (my how times have changed!).

Now, 33 years later I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to hunt white-tailed deer across 7 different states by every legal means available.

What have I learned from all of this deer hunting? Lot's of things of course, but one thing that is disturbing...

Bowhunters are the most selfish of all deer hunters. And Iowa's shotgun-deer hunters are the least selfish of any group of hunters I have ever deer hunted with. They are more willing to help you drag out your deer and rotate out to become a "driver" instead of a "blocker" during a deer drive than any bowhunter I have ever met. Not to mention that shotgun-deer hunters share buck tags!

Instead of badmouthing Iowa's "silent majority," I think Iowa's bowhunters owe them an apology. Iowa's shotgun hunters harvest the BULK of the does that are killed in our state each year, while Iowa's bowhunters CONTINUE to harvest more bucks than does!

Yeah, way to much time...and in the regs, bowhunters arent allowed to party hunt..so, find something better to do with your time...
It's me again... this is fun!

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Seriously guys....this is a waste of time.
I guess it is true what they say about everything being bigger in texas.

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Especially egos.
Thats probably something you dont want to talk about here! Im sure a majority of us here are bowhunters... Just stop startin drama and get outta here! This stuff is dumb!
I bow hunt. I also shotgun and muzzleloader hunt (since 1975).

Are you suggesting I'm selfish because I bowhunt?

Careful how you lump people in "your world".
It's me again... this is fun!

Now for the last item that has been a thorn in my side...

I grew up in Humboldt County & started deer hunting at the age of 9 (1974) with my dad & his group of shotgun-deer hunters.

We hunted long & hard each day, but we seldom killed anything. Those days everyone was issued a buck-only tag except for the lucky few who drew a coveted any-sex tag (my how times have changed!).

Now, 33 years later I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to hunt white-tailed deer across 7 different states by every legal means available.

What have I learned from all of this deer hunting? Lot's of things of course, but one thing that is disturbing...

Bowhunters are the most selfish of all deer hunters. And Iowa's shotgun-deer hunters are the least selfish of any group of hunters I have ever deer hunted with. They are more willing to help you drag out your deer and rotate out to become a "driver" instead of a "blocker" during a deer drive than any bowhunter I have ever met. Not to mention that shotgun-deer hunters share buck tags!

Instead of badmouthing Iowa's "silent majority," I think Iowa's bowhunters owe them an apology. Iowa's shotgun hunters harvest the BULK of the does that are killed in our state each year, while Iowa's bowhunters CONTINUE to harvest more bucks than does!


[/ QUOTE ]I was bowhunting in 1970 just because of [censored] like you!
We need another hunters against hunters post. Wait, I mean business against hunters. How about it? What is next? Your first day as a member sure has been good for stirring up a hornest's nest and stirring up business. One thing I am not sure is whether or not this last day was good for your business but one thing I am pretty sure is it probably is for the IBA.

Instead of badmouthing Iowa's "silent majority," I think Iowa's bowhunters owe them an apology. Iowa's shotgun hunters harvest the BULK of the does that are killed in our state each year, while Iowa's bowhunters CONTINUE to harvest more bucks than does!

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I know plenty of bowhunters that help out with taking does every year. You must not know very many bowhunters. And like Willie said this is a waste of time reading and responding to this crap.
Orion-why don't you put your money where your mouth is and fork over the money for a pma membership and at least support the site your spouting off on. Go find a Texas hunting site and quit wasting our time like has been mentioned before.
Instead of badmouthing Iowa's "silent majority," I think Iowa's bowhunters owe them an apology. Iowa's shotgun hunters harvest the BULK of the does that are killed in our state each year, while Iowa's bowhunters CONTINUE to harvest more bucks than does!

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I know plenty of bowhunters that help out with taking does every year. You must not know very many bowhunters. And like Willie said this is a waste of time reading and responding to this crap.

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My bowhunting friends took more does than bucks this year!! To be exact.. we took 16 does and 8 bucks this year! We passed up all smaller bucks! So is that true.. more bucks are bein taken than does?? Isnt that why we have a DOE-ONLY season! Think before u speak there bud!
I grew up in Humboldt County & started deer hunting at the age of 9 (1974) with my dad & his group of shotgun-deer hunters.

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And how many NR deer tags did Iowa allow that year?
well if we were all that selfish , we would have not bitten tongues and told you what we really think of your post
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