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Building a pond, need some advice.

Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

My wheels have been turning and it looks like I'll have plenty of time to plan out how I will stock it.
I thought I'd start out with some feeder minnows and grass carp for sure. Then start my bass and catfish. Its funny how many different opinions you can get on stocking a pond. Some old timers say catfish in a pond will keep it murky and dirty year round, others say flathead will keep your pond "cleaned out" and are hard on a healthy balance of fish due to their large appetite. I myself love to eat fish so I will want some channel cats in there for sure. The hybrid gillies are a blast and good eating also but then you have to worry about over population if you don't have enough larger predators keeping the numbers in check. When the time comes I'll probably buy some and catch some so I can get a good mix going. Lets hear from some of you guys about what has worked best for you.
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

To stock our pond, we bought fathead minnows (8#?), hybrid bluegills, largemouth bass, channel cats and some grass carp (Kloubec Fish Farm, not really an endorsement, more of a fact). I don't recall the exact numbers of each. We added the gills and carp in the spring and put the bass and cats in that fall. The pond never filled to the anticipated level, so we accidentally overstocked it. Six years into in, the bass and cats have essentially taken over the pond. Part of the reason for this is that someone wouldn't let me place a rubble pile in the middle or create any other type of structure where fry could hide. The grass carp have kept the moss out so there truely is no place for the little fish to hide. We have always removed the fish caught (maybe should have left some of the mature bluegill) and have stocked our second pond with fish from the first. With last years drought, our first pond is at the lowest level since the 4 inch rain the week after the dam was closed.
I was surprised that it didn't freeze out last winter and I fear it will get too hot this August.
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

hybrid bluegills, Six years into in, the bass and cats have essentially taken over the pond. We have always removed the fish caught (maybe should have left some of the mature bluegill)

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You might want to check before stocking the hybrids...the ones I am familer with are 98% sterile...so very little reproduction:


I just have regular gills in mine but the bass and cats seem to keep them in check cause most are pretty good size.

I can't seem to get my bass to any size though so maybe they are eating everything in sight??
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

I have had this dream of getting some "Florida strain" of bass and growing monster duck-eating largemouths. I wonder if the giant bass you see them catching down south would survive our icy winters?
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

I don't know about the Florida Bass Skully, but there is one other thing you might want to consider for your new pond and that is...safety.

Other's may have good ideas but I think every farm pond should have one of these:

Rescue Post

Sometimes it's curious kids or even someone who isn't even supposed to be there but either way one of these could save a life if someone ends up in the pond who can't swim...or goes thru the ice in the winter time.
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

That is a great idea dbltree. I've seen one of those in a pond magazine I was flipping through one day. With the steep banks we have, and two small boys, I will for sure have something like that around the pond. The wife says they will be wearing life jackets while fishing for a few years anyway but you can never be TOO safe. Thanks for the link. Just an up date while I'm here. I can now get my knees wet in our pond! We got some much needed rain last week and this weekend. Couldn't talk the wife into mud wrestling with me though. She's such a chicken!
I'll try to keep pics posted as it fill up.
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

Couldn't talk the wife into mud wrestling with me though. She's such a chicken!
I'll try to keep pics posted as it fill up.

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That pond ought to be filling up nicely with all this rain Skully!

I am kinda dissapointed we didn't get see any "mud wrestling" pics though

Mud Wrestling
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

The pond has gone from knee deep to chin deep in just a couple of rains! I have pics but am in the process of moving and don't have a computer hooked up at home. I will post pics as soon as I can. As for the mud wrestling, it never happened.
Thanks for the great link though!
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

My pond is two years old and still hasnt gotten more than 3 feet of water in it, The big 7 inch rain went about 3 miles to its south and only got about a half inch at the pond.
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

Don't feel bad, I know a guy who got tired of waiting for his pond to fill so he hired a pumping company to pump water from a near by river "about 1/2 of a mile away" to his pond. They got it full, loaded up the pumps and went home. The next day the guy walked out to look at his nice full pond and it was almost dry! Seems they had a sand pocket or something that drained all the water over night!
Talk about a bummer.
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

Hey Skully, Hows the pond doing? Do you have any new pics to show?
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

Hey Skully, Hows the pond doing? Do you have any new pics to show?

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At least it's the right kind of weather to fill it up!
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

Don't feel bad, I know a guy who got tired of waiting for his pond to fill so he hired a pumping company to pump water from a near by river "about 1/2 of a mile away" to his pond. They got it full, loaded up the pumps and went home. The next day the guy walked out to look at his nice full pond and it was almost dry! Seems they had a sand pocket or something that drained all the water over night!
Talk about a bummer.

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Hey Buck10, does that sound familiar?
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

Well I guess you could say its someone elses problem now! I was out there a couple weeks ago and its still the same! I guess the next farm I buy the pond will already be established!!
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

Need pond help?? Give George a call. I know he's my father-in-law so I might be a bit biased, but there is not a better dirt worker around. He knows his stuff and he will be honest with you.

Most of the time the pond never had a core put in, or there is not enough drainage for the acreage. Give him a call and see what he can do for you. My pond is great proof of what he can do.

Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

Hey Skully, Hows the pond doing? Do you have any new pics to show?

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I have a TON of pics. Unfortunatly I am homeless and don't have a computer where I am staying until my new house project is done. "I have to have the wife's help to post pics and she won't come to work with me." Hopefully soon! The pond has about twelve feet to go to reach the overflow but she's lookin' good!
I promise to get some up as soon as we're settled.
Re: Building a pond, need some advice. PICS ADDED!

"I have to have the wife's help to post pics and she won't come to work with me."

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Beings how were counting on fish dinner over there some day...we'll let that one slide..

Goodluck getting into your new house soon!
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