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Cased gun question

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I know the law is that if you are carrying a gun on an ATV it has to be in a case. (even with a weapons permit)

Can you carry a gun out of the case in a tractor? (with a weapons permit)

If you can carry out of the case in a tractor can you carry it out of the case in a UTV? If not what is the difference?

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Not exactly sure. Private property will make a difference. I was told a permit to carry will go a long way as far as the legality of this but your co may have a different interpretation and can find something else most generally to hit you with. Best advice is to contact your local co an get on the same page as them, vice-versa.
If you have a CCW permit you can carry pretty much any weapon as long as it is concealed. Handgun, knife, rifle (if you can get it down your pants!) However, if your intent is to hunt with it, now you are dealing with the DNR! Whole different ball game there.
A utv is an atv according to the state. but i would say the law would be up the CO. he could read it in whatever way he would want to
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if you have a new carry permit the new laws are for concealed or open carry of any legal to own weapon. anywhere you want except banks, courthouses, federal buildings and the obvious. or unless posted on the door no weapons, which many bars do now. and not valid if your under influence of any drug or alcohol anyway. and tolerance is .06 same as a comercial drivers licence. hope my rambling helps
hotshott2289 said:
how is it legal for a store or something to say no carry when you have a permit issued by the state?

I was told by the sherif that all you can be charged with is a trespass ticket if you do carry into a business that post no firearms.

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I was told by the sherif that all you can be charged with is a trespass ticket if you do carry into a business that post no firearms.

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And thats only if they ask you to leave and you refuse.
You can not OPEN CARRY in Iowa. Try walking into a business with a 6 shooter on your hip and see what happens!!! Weapons must be concealed. Hence "Concealed Weapons Permit" That's why you can't have a loaded shotgun on your seat or in the corner of your cab or ATV/UTV, etc.
I have the permit and I thought that it DID allow for loaded, uncased long guns in a vehicle. Not really sure on this, just thought you could.
You can not OPEN CARRY in Iowa. Try walking into a business with a 6 shooter on your hip and see what happens!!! Weapons must be concealed. Hence "Concealed Weapons Permit" That's why you can't have a loaded shotgun on your seat or in the corner of your cab or ATV/UTV, etc.

It is not a "Concealed Weapons Permit" in Iowa- but simply a "Permit to Carry Weapons"
Open carry is legal with the permit but not recomended.
You can not OPEN CARRY in Iowa. Try walking into a business with a 6 shooter on your hip and see what happens!!! Weapons must be concealed. Hence "Concealed Weapons Permit" That's why you can't have a loaded shotgun on your seat or in the corner of your cab or ATV/UTV, etc.

this is false. it is not prohibited by law to open carry in Iowa, however it does draw a lot of unnecessary attention, so it is typically not recommended by law enforcement.
That is interesting. The classes I have been involved in have taught that you can't open carry. Only if you have a professional permit to carry. I'll have to look into that. Thanks.
Yep I could legally walk through town with the AR hanging from a sling loaded.

But I'm sure the cops would be called and I would have guns drawn on me as soon as they got there. Not something that would be cool.

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