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Cedar, where I have I said I wanted the regs changed?? Look, I've been a NR landowner for awhile, know many NR landowners, as well as R landowners. The folks I know come from low, middle and high incomes and own different amount of acreages. The only issue I commented on was the NR landowner with a lot of acreage, which is not me. I'm fine with the status quo. I don't consider myself a "poor NR".Didn't I say that!?!?

I think some guys see a NR post and immediately think it's some undercover attempt to push for changes. I stated my situation, didn't have to, and get questioned. I'm being honest when I say I have been all over the board on this issue, but after being a part of this site since 2003, hunting in Iowa for several years, meeting NR's and R's alike I believe the regs should remain the same. I don't agree with the anysex license fees for NR's. The DNR is taking advantage of how popular Iowa hunting has become, which on one hand many R's don't like because of the NR influx, but will say "we should charge more", which will guarantee only wealthy NR's will be in Iowa over time. But that's a whole other debate.
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Cultural carrying capacity

I agree with what you are saying, Bonker. I never did listen to the DNR too well and it took a long time for me to shoot my first doe. I have two farms that I hunt that can stand to have a few taken and I do that today (one of them is owned by me). My favorite spot won't see me shooting even one doe because the neighbors have always done a fine job of doing that. We have a little bit of a QDM coop going in regards to which bucks we shoot or give free passes to. I suppose next is to work on the number of does we (they) take.

The state can push what they want but until they force something on me, I will continue to enjoy hunting and managing my areas my way. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to afford buying all of the antlerless tags for your county so you don't need to worry about how many does the neighbors are shooting?

Jdubs, you sound like a good neighbor. Resident or NR, you are welcome at my place any time.
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