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changes for next years tags


Life Member
lets just say that the DNR is going to make changes next year to eliminate more does. what are your suggestions. i have a couple

#1 doe tags should be a discount price, not $26 for your first, then $11, for the next. doe tags should never be the same price as anysex/buck tags EVER. you have to decide what is more important, thinning the heard, or fleecing residents

#2 residents can get ONE $26 buck tag. make it a different color than the regular tags. that buck tag is good for any season, early, late muzzle, either shotgun, and either bow season. then for $11, you can buy a doe tag for each individual season, as we do now. or maybe make it that you can get the anyseason buck tag if you buy a set amount of doe tags. i would love to hunt early muzzle, first or second shotgun, and the late muzzle season, and both bow seasons. i don't need to shoot a buck each season, but i would like to be able to tag one if it shows. if a "tag worthy" buck doesn't show, shoot a doe, then carry the buck tag to the next season. (my favorite idea)

#3 doe tags only, when you shoot a doe, you take it to a check station, then you may buy a buck/anysex tag. doe tag $11 (or less). buck tag $26

#4 i know many people who would consider donating a deer to HUSH, if the tag price was refunded, or at least part. seems kinda silly to buy a tag, and give the meat away.

just some random thoughts. i really don't think enough does will be harvested this year, and the DNR will be force to make some changes. i have heard some people say that if they go to a drawing for anysex tags, or they have to shoot a doe, they won't hunt. i, for one, will keep hunting even if does are all we are allowed to take. but i would like to be able to tag one buck...just incase that wall hanger comes close enough

I think if the DNR wants to really eliminate some does they ought to let a person purchase a tag when they want them. I for one purchased a doe tag for second shotgun season and filled it the first morning. Now I wish we had the chance to buy another tag but can't due to the small numbers of tags they authorize. (650 for Pott. County) This does not make any sense to me. They want us to thin the doe herd, but limit us on how many tags we can buy? Hmm shouldn't they be selling them to us hunters who really want to do our part and take the does?? Now I am not sure how many deer are in Pott. Co. but I am sure if they sold many more this would hardly make a dent in the doe population. I for one would much rather take 2 or 3 does than take one small buck out of the herd.
On another note my 13 yr old son killed his first deer opening morning. We were sitting together and my father was sitting about 500 yards from us. At 0900 hours we had planned for him to walk the timber towards us. It worked as it always has for years, around 13 deer came our way scattered thru the timber. Taylor began firing his 20 guage Mossberg. He shot once then turned and looked at me, wanting to know what he should do next. I yelled shoot again! He did, then looked back at me again. Again I yelled shoot and just as he did I took aim at a small doe and fired. When the smoke cleared from my CVA muzzleloader there were two dead deer laying in their tracks. He had just shot his first deer, a big doe. Once we got over to them he began making fun of how small mine was. It wasn't much bigger than my Sheepdog. It was more awesome than I had imagined it would be. This one is extra special due to Taylor being paralyzed a year ago and slowly recovering throughout the year. He has a hard time walking long distances so it took us about 20 minutes to go the nearly 200 yard we walked to get to our stand. That will be a day I will never ever forget and will cherish for a lifetime. The pictures will be coming shortly!!
i'm a true believer in check stations we would be able to manage or deer herds so much better by having check stations. the dnr is only guessing at what kind of herd we have. i think they need to take a better look at the any sex tags and not be so free with them offer less buck tags and more doe tags
The way the DNR runs things with these anterless tags is ridiculous. As a NR that gets to Iowa every year there is no real commitment to reduce the herd on thier part. Every year I donot draw a buck tag I purchase an antlerless tag to shoot a doe on a farm we lease. This year thier were 5 of us and we filled up in 2 hours. We would have shot 5 more but are only allowed 1 per person and at $256 a piece the price is ridiculous. In WI, NR can buy 2 a day @ $20 a piece. In the area we hunt in NE Iowa the deer are thick as flys, the area is rugged and you couldn't ever kill them all off. It's time for the DNR to make the doe tags more accsesible and to get registration stations to get an actual count of the herd and to micro manage problem areas.

I hear ya WI Shedhead. There is an exotic animal farm a few miles from where I hunt that has lions, tigers, bears, wolves, etc. They will take as many deer as you can give them as long as it has a proper tag. I'd whack a doe for them everytime I went out but not for $256 a pop. Of course we have the same problem here in SD. They rolled over the unfilled any deer rifle tags to antlerless only tags yet I can't go purchase a doe tag for archery. Do they really think the rifle folks want to shoot a doe?

I think about the only thing they could really do is, do what i have to do when i hunt, and that is shoot one doe before a buck, and maybe make it 2 does before a buck, i doubt it would ever happen, would be complicated for sure, but thats one solution i would go for if, it was the only way for a buck tag!!
one of the problems if you have to shoot a doe or does before a buck, you have a bunch of meat to deal with.

i eat deer, so its not a huge deal. but i know alot of deer hunters that don't eat deer. they're hunting for antlers, and too often, it is regardless of size.

i thin the DNR should try the following:

any sex: $40 or $50
unlimited antlerless: $5 or $10
little high $$ on the anysex tags. we are already over charged for a surplus supply of deer
This year the HUSH program has been a great option for my excess. This program is for the hunters and the food pantry to help stop hunger. Great program that I hope has enough support to be around in the future. Here are the participating lockers that Bowhunt posted previously.

* Indicates lockers which require hunters to skin and bone-out deer before they will accept them.

1. Arcadia Arcadia Meats 712-689-2435
2. Armstrong Armstrong Locker 712-864-3021
3. Bagley Bagley Locker & Processing 641-427-5713
4. Boone Ridgeport Locker 515-432-8973
5. Brighton Brighton Locker 319-694-2795
6. Carroll Mike's 712-792-2440
7. Clarion Clarion Locker* 641-532-3456
8. Corning Corning Meat Processors* 641-322-3614
9. Dedham Kitt's Meat Processing 712-683-5622
10. Denmark Denmark Locker 319-528-4514
11. Des Moines Amend Packing* 515-265-1618
12. Douds Douds Locker* 641-936-4414
13. Granger Country Meat Market 515-999-2284
14. Harris Forbes Meat & Processing* 712-349-2114
15. Hartley Nelson Locker 712-728-2860
16. Indianola Indianola Locker* 515-961-8137
17. Joice Joice Meat Processors 641-452-2141
18. Lake Park Carstensen’s Meats* 712-832-3681
19. Latimer New Latimer Locker, Inc.* 641-579-6147
20. Leighton Leighton Processed Meats,Inc.* 641-626-3211
21. Lohrville Lohrville Locker 712-465-2208
22. Maxwell Golly’s Locker Service* 515-387-1235
23. Melcher Nortcote Wholesale Meats* 641-947-2011
24. Milo Milo Locker 641-942-6231
25. Mingo Mingo Locker 641-363-4284
26. Mount Ayr Community Meat Processors* 641-464-2600
27. Otley Rietveld Meat Processing 641-627-5471
28. Packwood Packwood Lockers & Meats 319-695-3251
29. Paullina Paullina Locker 712-949-3612
30. Pella Meat Specialties, Inc.* 641-628-2771
31. Redfield Redfield Locker Service 515-833-2920
32. Sanborn Sanborn Foods* 712-729-3726
33. State Center State Center Locker, Inc. 641-483-2353
34. Union S.T. Meats* 641-486-2420
35. Unionville Perk’s Processing 641-938-2128
36. Vincent Vincent Lockers* 515-356-4162
37. Wayland Crawford Meat Plant 712-848-3556
38. West Bend Skoglund Meats 712-848-3556
39. Wever Wever Locker* 319-372-3223
40. Winterset Kirkpatrick Locker 515-462-2124
41. Seymour Hilltop Custom Butcher Shop 641-898-7584
42. Rutland Thul's Westriver Meats 515-332-1314
I think earn a buck would be a great thing to do...or increase the antlerless tags..I know in Mitchell and Floyd county, they were sold out before I even got one...dont charge full price for a doe tag either...
Lots of options that could be adopted, not one perfect solution. How about an insurance company bounty on does? The average car/deer collision is $2000. If we are serious about it there should be a doe harvest before a buck tag is issued. Check stations would be needed to implement this but would also give us a much better handle on actual numbers. I needed some statistics for a project and ended up getting better numbers from the DOT than the DNR.
I agree with Big Ol Buck, make the antlerless tags $5 or $10 and increase the quotas in problem areas. Then increase anysex tags to $50. An anysex tag should not be required to be purchased first.

I dont know any serious big buck hunters that would be stopped by a $50 tag, and we would find out real fast who really cared about antlers.
The group that hunts the property over the fence this year shot 6 deer, 5 of which were bucks. They are strictly meat hunters but that is what happened to walk by first. I guarantee you they would have all bought doe tags if there was a difference in price.

I simply dont believe that the average, one weekend a year meat hunter has any incentive to shoot a doe instead of a buck, and many arent even aware they should.

I agree that we need check stations, and after I get my deer and tag verified I should be able to take that tag to my insurance agent for a refund of the purchase price. Ok, that part will never happen but it should considering the way they like to whine. I get a discount for being a "safe" driver, why not a discount for being a deer hunter?
lets not put the idea of a higher price tag on deer. we already over pay for a surplus product. $50 is outrageous for a resident to pay to hunt deer
Some good ideas here. I like the idea of higher price for buck tag and lower for does. My question on this is...how does the Iowa DNR know, without check stations, how many deer were harvested? I have hunted deer for 18 years and I have never recieved a survey card or phone call asking how many I harvested.
Bow Man, right on! How come the DNR does'nt get input from the people who care most about QDM? Any of you DNR people listening? How do we get involved in the decision making?
Hunt on All4s
I think that $50 is not out of line at all for a "buck" tag if the DNR is serious about a good doe harvest. Make the doe tags $5 or the first one free to residents then $5 a pop. People are talking out of both sides of their mouth if they are worried about tag price vs buck vs doe vs deer herd management. We need a check station system in Iowa to appropriately manage what has become a million dollar crop for Iowa.
Teeroy, the surplus problem isn't with the bucks ... you've got to thin out the does to take care of the problem. I think putting a "premium" price on an any-sex tag is a good idea and $50 certainly isn't out of line. So far this year, I've bought three tags totaling $78 (bow, late muzzle, bow doe) and haven't filled one ... yet. Especially if doe tags were cheaper ($5 - $10 each and up to 10 total), it should help eliminate the "meat hunters" taking bucks. And those after trophy deer wouldn't blink at the higher price (DoubleBull blinds, multiple trail cams, multiple stands, etc., etc. ... what's another $24!)
I would like to see it possible to hunt both early and late season muzzleloader, even if the early season was limited to does. That way, I'd get meat in the freezer right away and then concentrate on getting a nice buck with bow or during late season.
Check-in stations would solve some things but with the current economy, that's not going to happen.

* Antlerless tags - sell for more $$ in the counties that sold out so fast. Sell for less $$ in any county that does not sell out. If people are willing to pay the price like they have, then why lower the price? If anything, raise it to get more revenue. If you think the price is too high, don't buy the tag so the next in line that didn't get his/hers can buy it. Or, limit the purchases to two per person until a certain date such as October 15th then first come first serve after that. That way you still sell out but might sell more $26 tags and fewer $11 tags and have fewer people shut out.

* Any deer tags - same as this year.

* Landowner tags - raise the price to $26.

* Non-Residents - same as this year but also allow them to purchase a antlerless tag for an extra $26 for the season they hunt but require them to either use the antlerless tag before the either sex or be done when they use the either sex. They must have an unfilled any sex deer tag to continue hunting. Count these tags against the county quotas but don't allow the purchase until after the October 15 first come first serve starts so that the resident gets first shot at those tags.
I think raising the price of any sex tag absolutely crazy. They just need to mandate that any hunter wanting to purchase a any sex tag must harvest at least 2 does before being allowed to get any sex. As far as the check station this has its good points and bad points. For one the DNR could see how many deer are being harvested and what sex they are. On the other hand this would make for alot more man power. We don't have the man power to catch poachers but everyone wants to place check stations around the area. Bowman I like your idea of sending cards or questionairre's. What happens when you purchase a federal duck stamp? They ask you how many ducks/geese you took the year prior. I think this would make for alot more deer numbers being reported.We can all say that we wouldn't mind paying extra taxes to support these stations but the anti's will just use this as fire power against us. The state of Iowa can't pay for teachers or highway patrolman, so I really don't think they are going to want to pay overtime or hire another DNR officer when you can just send questionairres. We don't need to raise the price of tag's. This will just lead to more poaching than there already is. Also they should give land owners X-amount of antlerless tag's and they can be filled by who ever hunts there land. They could make it where you buy so many antlerless tags and you get a extra for free. There are so many other options besides raising the price of tags.
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