This leaseing land in iowa issue sure does suck. This is something that i have dreaded for years. I lived in texas for five years and have felt first hand what leaseing does to our wonderful sport of hunting. As a teenager with a limited income i was forced to hunt public land that was pounded by people. It's not very fun to be in your stand well before first light and to have some stumble bum weekend warrior types come through and run off a buck just as he is nearing bow range, or sneak in on a gobbler that you are working. Is that what most of us here in Iowa will be forced to do? I hope not. Those five years in texas were the longest years of my life. It's been 14 years since i've returned to iowa, and i have enjoyed some great hunting ever since. All this talk of leaseing here though sure does bring a knot to my stomach. One thing that is good about my part of Iowa(clayton co.) is that the vast majority of land owners and their families are avid hunters themselves and are less likely to lease to outsiders. As a taxidermist i talk to alot of landowner/hunters up here and the idea of leaseing seems to be not well recieved. Given this part of iowa's reputation, i feel that there will eventually leaseing to some degree and the thought sickens me. I just hope that by that time i can afford to buy my own hunting ground.