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Clover and turnip/bean plots


Active Member
I followed Dbltree's advice and managed to get my clover plot in on Friday ahead of the rain. This plot got a clover mix, Austrian winter peas, oats, and about 1/2# of purple top turnips. Its only about 1/6th of an acre but it gets alot of use. Friday night we got a little over 1/2" of rain.


On Monday I checked on my 1/4 acre bean plot that is planted in the middle of my corn plot.


I could tell it was getting browsed some but I was surprised how much the deer had eaten when I saw the bean in the cage. It looks like they have mowed about 18" off the whole plot. The remaining beans are about 20" tall and their putting on some pods even with the browse.


I broadcasted 1.25#'s of purple tops into the beans. These beans were just broadcasted and harrowed in but there were enough open spots that I hoped the turnips would grow here and there. I'm planning to go back in about a month and overseed with rye when the beans start turning.


Another 1/2" of rain fell Monday night and it poured again tonight. I him-hawed about planting this early but I'm glad I did now after getting all this rain. I'll be surprised if the deer hit the turnips much with all the crops around here, but after seeing how well it works for you guys I thought I'd give them a try. I intended to try some in the corn like Ironwood did but there was WAY to much canopy in there. It gave me flashbacks to my detassling days so I bailed on that idea.
Thanks for all the help!
Those are some great pics and references on your plots! Your hard work will pay off I'm sure. Just the smell of the corn fields on these hot humid mornings still brings flashbacks of the detassling days. Spoiled rich kids don't know how good they got it!
Great work on the plots, and great pictures.

The clover plot looks like a honey hole!
Just the smell of the corn fields on these hot humid mornings still brings flashbacks of the detassling days.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate even thinking about those days!

Great looking plots!
.....the smell of the corn fields on these hot humid mornings...

[/ QUOTE ]

That smell is what makes, well, Iowa, Iowa. I love that smell, but then I never had to detassle.

The 'Bonker
TP- Great post, things look wonderful. Wondering if that post in the clover field is for tying up Ironwood's cow?
.....the smell of the corn fields on these hot humid mornings...

[/ QUOTE ] I love that smell, but then I never had to detassle.

The 'Bonker

[/ QUOTE ] That's what the spoiled rich kid reference was about.
.....the smell of the corn fields on these hot humid mornings...

[/ QUOTE ] I love that smell, but then I never had to detassle.

The 'Bonker

[/ QUOTE ] That's what the spoiled rich kid reference was about.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I got mighty rich delivering the Creston News Advertiser then working at Hy Vee.

The 'Bonker
TP- Great post, things look wonderful. Wondering if that post in the clover field is for tying up Ironwood's cow?

[/ QUOTE ]

Its a long way for Ironwoods livestock, it might get used for the neighbors cows if they get out again! Beef, yuuuuummmy.

As for detassling, I'm pretty sure that was some sort of medival torture tactic that actually had nothing whatsoever to do with farming. Cold, wet, and muddy in the morning, 1,200 degrees and steamy by noon. Then once in a while just to keep up morale, you would accidentally grab a tassel covered with a zillion of those tiny bugs that smush nicely in your fingers. Those were the days.

Thanks for the comments on the plots. Got another 1.2" rain last night and tonight was a absolute downpour, so I should be good on moisture for a while. Any more and that clover plot might flood, not something I would expect to worry about in August!
Your plots are looking great! I've got a small plot of beans thats not doing to bad where I am going to top dress with purple top turnips. Just waiting on a little rain.

I wish you guys could send some of that rain down here to central Illinois. We need it bad!!
You da man TP...plots look awesome!

I see a full freezer and a trip to the taxi in your future
We had an all out "Toad Strangler" (Redneck slang for heavy rains) last night. Not our typical August for sure.
We picked up another 1.5" of rain last night for a total of 3.5" since I planted. That ought to do for a while.
20 days and 7"+ rain later...


The purpletop turnips might be a little thick, but the oats, clover, and AWP are all coming up too. I still dont think the deer will eat the turnips, but they sure do look like a foodplot commercial!


The turnips in the small plot are the size of my hand, but the turnips in the beans are only about the size of my thumb, the difference is huge. The little plot was tilled, fertilized (no nitrogen though) and packed, in the beans they were just broadcast. Because of where the plots lay, they should get about the same amount of sun. I really was surprised how much difference there was.
Will these turnips amount to anything?


Got beans though! Who says you cant get beans on a 1/4 acre plot? I think I need more deer.

I think I need more deer.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bring a trailer and come on down TP!

Those plots look awesome! You ought to keep them fat n happy for sure!
Looking good TP.
The deer will be fat and happy also.:way

Should draw the deer in from other areas as well. With a little sun the Purple tops may make it. Hope we get some sun soon.
You need a sign in the small plot on that old post that reads "Booner Alley"! That plot looks great! Congrats on your success.
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