I followed Dbltree's advice and managed to get my clover plot in on Friday ahead of the rain. This plot got a clover mix, Austrian winter peas, oats, and about 1/2# of purple top turnips. Its only about 1/6th of an acre but it gets alot of use. Friday night we got a little over 1/2" of rain.
On Monday I checked on my 1/4 acre bean plot that is planted in the middle of my corn plot.
I could tell it was getting browsed some but I was surprised how much the deer had eaten when I saw the bean in the cage. It looks like they have mowed about 18" off the whole plot. The remaining beans are about 20" tall and their putting on some pods even with the browse.
I broadcasted 1.25#'s of purple tops into the beans. These beans were just broadcasted and harrowed in but there were enough open spots that I hoped the turnips would grow here and there. I'm planning to go back in about a month and overseed with rye when the beans start turning.
Another 1/2" of rain fell Monday night and it poured again tonight. I him-hawed about planting this early but I'm glad I did now after getting all this rain. I'll be surprised if the deer hit the turnips much with all the crops around here, but after seeing how well it works for you guys I thought I'd give them a try. I intended to try some in the corn like Ironwood did but there was WAY to much canopy in there. It gave me flashbacks to my detassling days so I bailed on that idea.
Thanks for all the help!
On Monday I checked on my 1/4 acre bean plot that is planted in the middle of my corn plot.
I could tell it was getting browsed some but I was surprised how much the deer had eaten when I saw the bean in the cage. It looks like they have mowed about 18" off the whole plot. The remaining beans are about 20" tall and their putting on some pods even with the browse.
I broadcasted 1.25#'s of purple tops into the beans. These beans were just broadcasted and harrowed in but there were enough open spots that I hoped the turnips would grow here and there. I'm planning to go back in about a month and overseed with rye when the beans start turning.
Another 1/2" of rain fell Monday night and it poured again tonight. I him-hawed about planting this early but I'm glad I did now after getting all this rain. I'll be surprised if the deer hit the turnips much with all the crops around here, but after seeing how well it works for you guys I thought I'd give them a try. I intended to try some in the corn like Ironwood did but there was WAY to much canopy in there. It gave me flashbacks to my detassling days so I bailed on that idea.
Thanks for all the help!