24d on Clover ? I thought that would kill it...
Does it make sense to have a dedicated clover plot (acre in size) if its immediately next to a 20 acre grass hay field that already has "decent" clover representation? If I made clover, it would be to hunt over. If I opted out, I'd just reseed it back to hay for more rent.
I'd do a dedicated clover plot next to a hay mix. But, I'd pry do like 1/4 acre and the rest I'd do like Dbltree rotation. Reason I WOULD do clover next to hay that has clover..... I'd do different types of clover. For example, in a hay mix, most clover will be red, most of the time, some white but probably not dominant. Your clover could be tweaked to have the most desirable.... different whites like Kopu II, Alice, Ladino, Durana or whatever. Alsike, Balansa, berseem, etc. But, aside from the variety, you have the ability to keep on weeds, fertilize heavily, mow to keep tender, etc. If you baby that smaller clover plot, it will be better and targeted IMO.
Never too late on p&k. P&k needs a lot of time to break down. One is essentially "rock" so it really needs winter to freeze and thaw to break down. But yes, put down NOW. You can put p&k down anytime, unlike N- it cannot evaporate and u r putting down so it starts the breakdown process.Is it to late to fertilize 0-26-26 to my clover plots @ 200Lbs a Acre ? I usually do first April , we got a good rain coming in this week end so I thought it might be worth a shot. I didn't get a chance this spring with all the apple trees I planted.
Was just listening to podcast Mark Drury was on. Mark talked about a BASF product that he uses on his clover for broadleafs. Sounds different than 2,4-DB. Sounds like its intended application is for angae in ponds but has lasting residual. Anyone know what that would be? I am super curious. It think 2,4-DB is so-so to OK.
Good stuff. Still curious what this mystery herbicide is that Mark was talking about. Sustained residual broadleaf control in clover. Sounds too good to be true. In years like this that it's too dry to think of mowing but weeds popping sure be nice. Yes too much to do not enough time. I hear ya!I've never sprayed for broadleaves in 16+ years of clover plots. Too weedy- redo em. I'll admit- I have way too many projects going and that's PART of reason. But- crummy plots- burn em up and rotate em out and back in. For example- burn em up and brassica them or if want clover later- do ur rye mix. Forbs & annual weeds don't do so hot with mowing, most of the time. Then, nail in coffin on weeds after mowing..... next late winter for example- frost seed more, mow later- game over. Million ways to do this like
Anything. Grasses on other hand are harder.... perennials that need to do- clethodim & crop oil. Want a little riskier but " solve all" herbicide??? hit with round up and heck- go scatter more clover seed in later. Many people do lower doses - true story.... I hit done with 3 qts Round up, ams & 40 ignite/liberty and some still came back quite strong!!! That's tough stuff. Well- I said - by by clover - 2,4-d + some more ignite & round up and it was a knock out - game over. That stuff is silly crazy hard to kill if growing well. Imo (if busy & lot of projects)..... take care of grass but deal with rest with mowing, interseeding, rotations and frost seeding. Any combo. Never used Butyrac in my life and likely never will. If I did have more time, sure, be different. Million ways to deal with it.
If I had to guess... bet he's either taking about Prowl or trifluralin. Total guess but if u find it- lemme know if I guessed rightGood stuff. Still curious what this mystery herbicide is that Mark was talking about. Sustained residual broadleaf control in clover. Sounds too good to be true. In years like this that it's too dry to think of mowing but weeds popping sure be nice. Yes too much to do not enough time. I hear ya!